Oh Lord, gimmie gimmie gimmie.

Christians have the notion that they actually control their god. Ever notice how they keep their god in a box, and only let him out a few times a year (Holidays). They tell him what he said, and how he meant it. They tell their god what to do, and what he has done. They tell people how their god is going to send them to Hell. I have to wonder, who is really in charge here? Is it their god, or them that make those decisions? They pray for all sorts of things except for the improvement of life for others. It's all about "Oh Lord, gimmie gimmie gimmie." When their wish doesn't come true, they'll tell you it is all part of that mysterious grand plan their god has in store. Or, some one will say "You don't have enough faith." like that answers it all right there.

Christians today have become the very opposite of the example their god set out for them to become. They are arrogant, violent, money and power hungry, mean to those less fortunate, and they go against every one of the beatitudes their god preached to them. They treat others that are not like them, with disdain, and in some cases bullying. They hide from proof of facts so they can tell you their god did this or that. They tell their god that he sent disease and other maladies to people because of their sin....without noticing their own sin of pride, wrath, and lust.

If you want to become a Christian today, all you have to do is act like a psychopath. You'll fit right in.

feel free to reprint with my name.

Franky Edder.

What are some strange things you've heard believers say?

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