Atheism is Awesomeism

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Nordic Fox's picture
Atheism is Awesomeism

I want to firstly thank the staff and members (Atheists, particularly) of Atheist Republic for having this community here. I wish to join American Atheists, but I haven't had the chance to donate yet... So here I am! And I plan to stay.

Atheism is (I dare say) the most realistically correct and liberating mindset to possess.

I wake up every day, observing the wonders of nature and human innovation. I enjoy the progress and evolution of humankind and science since both contributed to the making of my motorcycle: my own personal freedom vehicle.

Many can probably agree that it is the most liberated, awesome feeling to go to the place you feel most at ease and happy (for me it is a quiet forest stream or lake with only nature around) and realize that there is no god in the sky to judge you for not taking time out of your life to sit in a building and listen to some dude talk about items he picks and chooses from an ancient work of fiction.

I love Sunday in the United States. Why? Because I can sleep in, wake up at my leisure and lazily begin the day. I can drive from morning to afternoon on roads that are virtually empty due to the religious having gone to sit like obedient pets in their decorated cages. Shoot, I can even go to stores and they are empty for the same reason!

I honestly think that Atheists do deserve tons more credit for our morality and ethical standards, too. We love, enjoy and laugh like any other people, but we don't allow outdated dogma to dictate what is and is not 'proper'.

I would indeed argue that many atheists are more moral than the religious! We don't walk down the street shooting people because there's no god to punish us in some afterlife, we don't do that because it hurts people! And generally, we don't like hurting anyone least of all random strangers! Laws were made because people were hurt either physically or metaphorically and society's leaders didn't want those things to happen again. We obey those laws because most of the time they're for the greater good.

To me, religion would actually offer more excuses to do harm to others! But I won't go down that road, it's long and bumpy.

People often turn to religion for fear of death, a desire for an afterlife, for comfort. We are all human, and we all deserve comfort and compassion in some way shape or form... But religion is not the answer.

It is a well-known and simple law of physics (and thermodynamics) that energy cannot be destroyed, only dispersed. What a poetic way to think of things! When we die, we don't cease to exist... We just cease to exist as a life instance. Our bodies may disintegrate, but our energy becomes a part of the very world we lived in. Our molecules: proteins, carbons, gasses and liquids all become reused in the great biosphere of Earth.

I am always happiest to know that it is impossible for me to un-exist. I think should others should find comfort in this fact as well, and take the time to enjoy life as best as we can, in the small slices that it is possible to do so.

The world is a cold, cruel, dark place. But little by little, as individuals, communities and as a civilization, we can better the world at least a little. Through hard work, compassion for other human beings and an understanding of life we can seize happiness and enjoy it. The time we live in is our time, and will always exist. And therefore, even though it will pass, our particular time is ours.

Enjoy the little things in life, do your part to make the world a slightly better, smarter, brighter place for society.
Our goal as atheists is not to simply denounce that which we do not believe in, it is to live. And to live well.

Personally, I feel sorry for those who hold desperately onto religion... They will never experience the liberation that comes from realizing that nobody's watching you, judging you, mocking you for being who you are. I have found true peace ever since I realized at a young age that no creepy deity is peeping on me when I bathe.

And that in itself is the difference between slavery and morality:
Slavery is doing what you are told is right because if you don't you'll be punished.
Morality is doing what you know is right when you know nobody else will ever know what you did. But you still do it right.

Peace, and stay safe everyone.
Stay strong, stay true only to yourself. And of course, stay happy friends.

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