Ban the Poster Above You

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Sir Random's picture
We have a winner! Now, you

We have a winner! Now, you are banned for being a winner.

mykcob4's picture
Banned for infrequency of

Banned for infrequency of your own thread, that I objected to in the first place but seem to be fully participating in....DAMN IT!

Sir Random's picture
Banned for obvious reasons.

Banned for obvious reasons.

ZeffD's picture
Scotland is in turmoil! There

Scotland is in turmoil! There's a great red ball of fire in the sky!! Anybody know what it is??!!

Sir Random's picture
Banned for off topic stuff.

Banned for off topic stuff. And for not knowing what that big ball of fire is

May you be forever touched by His Noodly Appendages
Glob bless

chimp3's picture
Banned for dripping marinara

Banned for dripping marinara on my tie.

Sir Random's picture
Arrr, ye be banned fer not

Arrr, ye be banned fer not recognizin' te' importance of a hankerchiff.

mykcob4's picture
Banned for being stuck in a

Banned for being stuck in a pirate vernacular.

Sir Random's picture
An' ye be banned fer not

An' ye be banned fer not lettin' me go 'bout me whimsical ways.

chimp3's picture
Banned for keeping September

Banned for keeping September 19th in your heart all year long!

Sir Random's picture
Banned fer thinking I talk te

Banned fer thinking I talk te' same on September 19. Then I be even worse.

chimp3's picture
Banned for being an eight

Banned for being an eight armed swashbuckling anime scallywag of the sea!


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