The Birthright Issue Resurfaced.

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TheVegetarianHumanist1996's picture
The Birthright Issue Resurfaced.

I've mentioned before that I don't want to endorse the occupation/apartheid in Israel/Palestine. My issues in regards to being forced to support this racist system have resurfaced. My brother (19yrs) wants to go own the free birthright trip. What brings me into the equation is that I'm forced to go to places with my brother. I'm 2yrs older than him. I have a hard time explaining how Palestinians are made vulnerable by the Israeli government and how their policies oftentimes put young children and the elderly's lives in jeopardy. My parents are ignorant on the issues and want to stay ignorant.

I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. Knowing what I know about this situation, if I were to go to Palestine/Israel, I'd be in a minefield of eggshells. I feel like I'm backed into a corner. I feel like I don't have the first amendment, despite being a US Citizen. I don't feel like I'm an adult when dealing with my former faith. It leaves me feeling disenfranchised as a person. I want to help end the occupation, like how the apartheid in South Africa ended. I feel powerless.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Definitely an "egg shell

Definitely an "egg shell issue". But I have to agree, the parallels with apartheid are numerous; including the bantustans.

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