Cures for religion- any suggestions?

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Rohan M.'s picture
OK thanks, I’ll keep that in

OK thanks, I’ll keep that in mind as I write the essay (I’ve realized that there isn’t that much I can write about besides questioning, critical thinking, and thorough reading of scripture).

And btw, if you take a look at my above post, you’ll find that MRK is but a sock that I created out of paranoia when I was sleepy and not thinking straight. Tin sentenced “us” to the dungeons. Well, I’m a heathen like you are, (door slams as torturer walks into “our” cell) so I may as well get used to the pain and tort-AAAAAAH! IT BURNS! ;)

Tin-Man's picture
@Rohan MRK Re: " I may

@Rohan MRK Re: " I may as well get used to the pain and tort-AAAAAAH! IT BURNS! ;)"

Oh good grief! Stop being so over-dramatic and quit yer whinin'.... *rolling eyes*.... He let those noodles cool on the counter for over an hour before coming in there. Now sit still and stop squirming so he can finish the fifty lashes, and then you can have your dinner. Speaking of which, I hope you like plain noodles. We ran out of butter and salt yesterday. We used it up on all the popcorn we ate in another thread. Bon appetit.

Cognostic's picture
(questioning, critical

(questioning, critical thinking, and thorough reading of scripture). Fallacies of Logic, Circular reasoning, Assertions without evidence, Emotional Appeals, Threats of damnation, Appeals to fear, Bribery - rewards in heaven, Personality Cults, Condemnation - you are an unworthy sinner,

Like brainwashing, Christianity rips you apart, breaks you down, and then builds you back up in exactly the way they want you to be.

madhu sreedharan's picture
To cure the religiousness

To cure the religiousness there is only one way, show them how much foolish they are?. as an experiment we starts a religion named Dinkoism, Our God is "Dinkan" he is so strong that rat faced superman. we got this god from a kids magazine (local language). So we consider "Balamangalam" as our Holy Book.

We are a group of people having daily meeting in facebook. Once we start before 10 years, first the people of other religion mocked it. But eventually they came to know their religion is also like one we made.

We always have debates with other religions.

Now one day in the very near future we are going to register our religion to get the minority religion status. They have to give us. If that happen something will happen. :)

Cognostic's picture
Yea, I started Aquarianism,

Yea, I started Aquarianism, the underwater mermaid cult. We worship the magical mermaid at the bottom of the sea, have seafood feasts of pork and beef because all animals originated from the seas. We have secret hand shakes and during our baptisms the women wear mermaid tails and we have sex with them under the waves to memorialize our humble beginning in the sea. If you can not do it under the sea you can do it in a bed but must sprinkle a bit of sea water on yourselves first.

Meepwned's picture
I had an idea to write a

I had an idea to write a fictional narrative about a mystery cult that uses most, if not all, of the fallacious diatribes used by modern religions to indoctrinate people.

That cult has rare artifact that the protaganist wants to steal. So, (s)he infiltrates their cult, advancing up the ranks by performing tasks. The final task, to reach the highest achievable level, requires dealing a massive blow to a rival cult.

The protagonist decides to infiltrate them too. However this new cult, turns out to not be a cult at all, and requires initiates to use logic, reason, and skepticism to dismantle the teachings of the previous cult in order to gain access to their secret archives.

Upon fully infiltrating, the protagonist steals an old book from the skeptic group and ferries it off to the woo cult.

Upon reading the book, the elders congratulate the protagonist, and grants promises of salvation from the punishments of their deity. However, the protagonist quickly realises, armed with their knowledge gleaned from the skeptic group that the woo cult is bullshit and allies with the skeptics against them. Stealing their most precious book and returning the skeptic book, The protagonist wages a war against the woo.

Fun fact, the book stolen from the skeptic book would be similar to the Skeptics annotated bible and the book stolen from the woo cult holds documented proof of coverups of bribery, abuse, etc. by woo cult members.

Ideally it would parody modern religions in a non strawman way. It would also do the same thing with the skeptic side.

If I had read this narrative as a child or young teen, it would have planted the seed of doubt much earlier and would have made it easier to reject religion.

Feel free to adapt the idea as you deem fit, everyone, as I am not creative enough to formulate it into an entertaining form of sufficient length to do it justice.

arakish's picture
I am working on a novel using

I am working on a novel using the same premise. However, these "evil" people used a horrible war to appear to be "good" and rescuing the surviving people. They have been ruling for almost 3000 years, thus the people have been completely "indoctrinated."



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