The Father of Pain

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NameRemovedByMod's picture
The Father of Pain

I am just here to rant for a bit. I have nowhere else to turn right now. As I stated in earlier threads my elderly father lives with me. He is in constant pain. It tears me apart to watch this on a 24/7 basis. We have tried everything to help him, but his platelets are so low that he cannot take his medicine anymore.

I am past the invisible man in the sky belief. My dad however was raised with christianity and while he has no use for it anymore, he vents calling this god thing, "The Father of Pain". His opinion is that there is one and it does nothing to help people in need. All I know is that if there actually were one, I would NOT want to know it. Pain and suffering everywhere and evil always seeming to prevail is enough for a sane person to know better.

I did not come to the HUB to hear opposing points of view from christian trolls. I will say this. I do my best to insult christians as their book of lies is dangerous. Look what it did to my dad. His parents beat him everyday based on that book. Then people in the USA are brainwashed that the Muslims are evil. While I think all religions are crazy. I can say with a degree of certainty that the christian religion is right up there with being the worst!

My rant! Thank YOU!

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algebe's picture
And when something terrible

And when something terrible happens, some Christian shit-for-brains will tell you it's all part of god's mysterious plan for the best of all possible worlds. As if that's supposed to help. I don't know of any other religion than Christianity that has such a sick link with pain. Just look at their sadistic logo.

I'm sorry about your father.

NameRemovedByMod's picture
Thank you for your kind words

Thank you for your kind words and obvious knowledge on this subject. Yes that mysterious grand plan is something I have heard before as well. At the very least we are not wasting any time praying to something that would only gives false hope and no results. I do much research online and am always looking for alternatives he can try. Time will tell.

Thanks again!

Endri Guri's picture
Oh, it's every Religion's

Oh, it's every Religion's bullshit obligation to tell you "This is what God wanted", "This is God's plan". When my uncle died from a accident, that's what they told me, it's all bullshit. Fuck their "sympathy" and "care", they've done nothing and so has their "God", and even if he exists, Fuck him.

I'm sorry about your father, life's a big fucking bitch.

NameRemovedByMod's picture
Thank you as well. Like I

Thank you as well. Like I tell people all of the time, "Atheists have more caring and compassion". That should speak volumes, but a lot of mas brainwashing would need to be done for them to understand. I am very thankful that this groups exists!

mykcob4's picture
Let it out, get it all out. I

Let it out, get it all out. I can feel YOUR pain though I cannot fathom it. Christ-insanity aside, When someone suffers it is far worse than just watching someone die. I can handle human death (I don't deal with animal death well at all), but I cannot handle suffering, even of my enemies. I feel for you and your father. Yes christians in the USA ARE insane! They are flat out batshit crazy!

ImFree's picture
Sorry to hear your father is

Sorry to hear your father is dealing with such pain. I went through some horrible experiences with my parents. My dad had to have both legs amputated (poor circulation) above the knee. I can relate to how helpless you feel watching your father in such distress. Hang in there Buddy : )

CyberLN's picture
My mother took control when

My mother took control when her body became an enemy and ended her life. It was a wonderful thing for her. I wish religion would stop inhibiting people from choosing what to do with their own bodies. So sad.

chimp3's picture
@thelargerbowl: Is your

@thelargerbowl: Is your father in constant pain because he can not take medicine orally? Have you tried any topically applied analgesics such as a fentanyl patch?

NameRemovedByMod's picture
To all of you, thank you for

To all of you, thank you for the kind thoughtful replies. Yes my dad has tried fentanyl patches and probably most everything out there on the market that has been sold. I just tried a cannabis oil and it did nothing for him. The suffering continues on a daily basis. Just yesterday I had a friend mention medical marijuana to me, so I am going to see if that will ease his pain, or if I can even obtain it here in Michigan.

Not wanting to sound selfish as my dad is the one in such physical pain, I however fight this pretty much alone and the mental pain is sometimes unbearable as I have my own issues that go untreated. Thanks again for the support. It means a lot to me.

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