I read the book "Bonobo and the Atheist" Now see it in action.

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Cognostic's picture
I read the book "Bonobo and the Atheist" Now see it in action.

This is part 4 or Kanzi. If you have not seen Kanzi in action it is worth the watch. You will go back and watch the other 3 parts after seeing this.


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Muashkis's picture
Thanks for the share! And yes

Thanks for the share! And yes, you were totally right about the other 3 parts :)

I've always thought that, should our Poony Hoomanity fail, without taking the whole planet with it, these guys would succeed us. That and the thought it's our responsibility of securing other intelligent animals their place in the world, always gives me a rather uplifting feeling. And a sense of guilt for not turning full vegan.

But! Hope isn't lost as long as there are apes!

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