"Religion is the one area of our discourse where it is considered noble to pretend to be certain about things no human being could possibly be certain about."
- Sam Harris
Quote Source: Letter to a Christian Nation Page 67
"Religion is the one area of our discourse where it is considered noble to pretend to be certain about things no human being could possibly be certain about."
- Sam Harris
Quote Source: Letter to a Christian Nation Page 67
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This is so true and I never looked at it like this. It certainly makes you think about how arrogant or perhaps blind we are too reality at times.
True enough, but at least where I am, I think this attitude is changing. In the hard sciences, while we obviously wouldn't openly knock anyone's belief in the lab, theists don't really openly take pride in their religion as much as I see elsewhere - as a matter of fact they seem a touch embarrassed about it.
The only time it's really mentioned, aside from jokes about busting primitive beliefs, is when it comes time for certain people to take religious holidays. Then everyone's absolutely devout and the joke is on us Atheists who end up covering their hours!
Oooh a few days of vaca, I could combine this with sick leave I haven't used up, Sweet off to the Caribbean I could say it's sun sickness, Merry Christmas everybody! You know family time ;-)
Faith is something that has been over rated in so many people. It's funny to think that the one with the most faith is the one most believed by everyone else.
People like to see people who express certainty, it's the feeling of certainty that helps someone sell a product or an idea the more certain the more at ease the buyer is. the more at ease the buy is the more likely they are to buy. the first step in selling an idea is selling it to yourself if you cant you may as well try and sell something else.
Well one thing is for sure, I don't know most I know for fact, I only know it through perception and I perceive with my mind body and soul, I don't have time to research everything or test it all out, so I rely on my faith when it come to things I don't have time for like God. I am way to busy to be a know it all, and for the things I don't have time to research I rely on my faith in other certain individuals to do the adequate enough research and that makes me noble. UNfortunately I don't know anyone who I feel will do adequate enough research when it comes to God JK