If I was god?

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SunDog's picture
If I was god?

If god is so intelligent, why didn't god create humans with chlorophyll skin? We could be laying on the beach all day, soaking-up the rays & drinking beer. If I was god!

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CyberLN's picture
Well, might be nice but it

Well, might be nice but it all depends on which beer.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I'll take a 1664 or a 1664

I'll take a 1664 or a 1664 blanc.

SunDog's picture


SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
To each his own I guess. I

To each his own I guess. I love 1664. It's smooth = )

SunDog's picture
Well I'm starting a new

Well I'm starting a new improved religion so I'm going with generic crafted beer, I mean universal beer. I think that would go over big with the masses I just need some vendors, I mean apostles to push the message. If it takes off, I mean ascends, then get on board & enjoy the ride. If I was god.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Not a bad idea. There was a

Not a bad idea. There was a time when I damn near worshiped beer lol

SunDog's picture
What can I say! Beer answered

What can I say! Beer answered my prayers more often then god.

Flamenca's picture
Hey, god. I want night vision

Hey, god. I want night vision!

SunDog's picture
I think you mean x-ray vision

I think you mean x-ray vision? Say yours prayers.
Here's the deal. I spoke with my marketing consultant, (profit) & it was revealed to me that if I'm going to start a new improved religion I need a new name for my new god. Sham-beer sounds good to me (ancient Canannite hops god) but like much of pop music it may not last. So I'm going to throw this competition of the gods open to the forum members.
So, everyone submit a name for their personal choice for their god of choice with reasons why their choice is the right choice. And then me & my dog (not a typo) will (after little thought) declare who the omninewest god's name is, maybe.
And if you don't participate, Sham-beer will fry your ass like an old toad in the skillet of Hades!
If I were god.

mbrownec's picture
I would kill myself for being

I would kill myself for being such a failure and fucking things up so bad. But since there is no god, I can just say things like this piss off the theists among us!

mykcob4's picture
If I were god I wouldn't

If I were god I wouldn't exist!

LogicFTW's picture
If I were god, I would make

If I were god, I would make earth utopia. Would be real easy to separate out the "sinners" because everyone would of had equal opportunity to a comfortable safe and loving life.

First step would to be to take over the governments and cut out all politicians...

If I created humans to endlessly reproduce, I would of created the resources so that their was no scarcity to fight over. Perhaps make humans ant size? With no natural predators to ant size people?

Jeeze the more I think about this the more this "god" guy screwed things up really badly. I don't get why theist are not extremely pissed at their "god" figure.

chimp3's picture
If I was chlorophyll fueled

If I was chlorophyll fueled then I would be green. Which puts me in mind of the Emerald Isle. So, Guinness! If I were god.

Flamenca's picture
If I were good, I would wrote

If I were good, I would write a book of instructions really understandable and entertaining. I'd claim for peace, freedom, equality and love for everyone and with no divine anger, no sacrifices, no genocide, no slavery, no pedophile relations and no impausible myths about creation.

Alembé's picture
If I were god, all obituaries

If I were god, all obituaries would state the deceased's age, the cause of death and show a photo taken in the past 5 years so you could recognize who was now missing.

Flamenca's picture
How so?

How so?

Alembé's picture
Hi Angiebot,

Hi Angiebot,

A lot of the obits here in the US will show a photo of the deceased taken 50 or 60 years ago when they were young and beautiful /handsome.

Flamenca's picture
I had never thought of that!

I had never thought of that! I In my country, most obits I've seen didn't have a picture. Now that I think about it, my grandparents' have a little one of their faces, but they were taken a couple of years or so before they were dead.

SunDog's picture
Ah yes, dreams of utopia, an

Ah yes, dreams of utopia, an entertaining fantasy. Unfortunately there is no god to shuck our responsibilities on & I have my reservations whether mankind is up to the jod. But hey, hope springs eternal & without hope the people vanish.
Ireland sounds great! Sham-beer was known in Ireland as Sham-rock, the god of stoned. If only I were god.

SunDog's picture
What the hell is a 'jod'?

What the hell is a 'jod'? Sounds like 'cafefe'.

Pitar's picture
God. The notion of such a

God. The notion of such a thing gets lost in the imagination. It's beyond anything I'd care to ponder, describe, sort out, qualify and otherwise hurt my head over. I might be tempted to over a Guinness, though, but only if god was revealed at the bottom of the glass. Take a lot of glasses to find the right bottom, I suppose.

SunDog's picture
As my Irish uncle used to say

As my Irish uncle used to say about eels; 'god, a slippery little bugger!'

teppeki's picture
Well nobody really wants to

Well nobody really wants to read or watch boring stories right?
No. I want action, tragedy, tension, characters, heroes and villains. So if I were God Ill wipe out these stupid lizards and place something much more wicked and interesting, Ill call them humans, then Ill also give them freewill and see what they do with it.

SunDog's picture
Aaarrrgh matey! We're a sorry

Aaarrrgh matey! We're a sorry lot. If I were god - free grog!

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