I'm new to atheistreplublic

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SAM4191's picture
I'm new to atheistreplublic

Hey fellow atheists,

I found this side today through the secular network app for android.
If you don't want to read through my story of becoming an atheist, stop here.

I was raised not religious (no indoctrination from my parents but maybe media and environment) but when I was 10 I decided to become a christian. So I had the christening ceremony when I was 10 and the confirmation (I was protestant) when I was 14.
Now I am 24 and I learned enough of science to stop believing the old myths and left the evangelic church in april. Youtube Videos with James Randi led me to scientists and atheists like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Lawrence Krauss, Bill Nye and so on.

I am what people tend to call a militant atheist because I know what religion does with people and that it is their excuse for every bad behaviour.
A few weeks ago I joined an association of evolutionist humanists in Düsseldorf.

Greetings from germany :)

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CyberLN's picture
Welcome, knightmare. Pull up

Welcome, knightmare. Pull up a seat and pour yourself a beer.

ThePragmatic's picture
Welcome! :)

Welcome! :)

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
welcome to the forum, you can

welcome to the forum, you can pm people if you have an questions or start new topics.

Nordic Fox's picture
Welcome, friend! Hope you

Welcome, friend! Hope you stick around, this place is a great resource for those who like to think!

Austin Hodge's picture
Welcome to Atheist Republic.

Welcome to Atheist Republic. We'll be glad to have you here.

mjplatt's picture
Welcome!!! I am new to this

Welcome!!! I am new to this site but not new to atheism. Have always been one, but didn't know it. Just didn't have a word for not believing in a deity. Still don't have a word for not playing golf or not skydiving, but maybe someone will make one up for that as well. LOL. I come from a rational science-based viewpoint and tend not to get involved in the philosophical discussions because the tend to go nowhere anyway. I am perfectly willing to believe in any deity that someone can demonstrate exists with the scientific method.

mjplatt's picture
Check out The Atheist

Check out The Atheist Experience TV show (you can find excerpts on Youtube) as well as Chariots of Iron and Talk Origins. Lots of good stuff out there now.

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