Lust in the bible

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Sloth's picture
Lust in the bible

The bible states in many scriptures that you're not supposed to lust premaritally. However, Song Of Solomon CLEARLY could cause someone to lust. The majority of the scripture is a woman and her lover admiring each other's bodies. The man even talks about the woman's breasts briefly, and how he wants to "climb her" and grab onto her fruit. Reading that for the first time I almost cried of laughter! Lol (the scripture is also, probably unintentionally, sexist due to the fact the man talks about her breasts but she doesn't talk about his wing wong)
Anyway, point is, the bible is hypocritical in countless scriptures, but this is one in particular I haven't heard anyone talk about.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
For sure, it's like the

For sure, it's like the "harlequin romance" section of the bible. I had a ancient literature class in college where we went over that book. Funny enough the biggest complaints were from the Christian students!

ImFree's picture
Maybe those sections were

Maybe those sections were responsible for Jimmy Swaggart's escapades...LOL!

Lmale's picture
Sorry sloth but the bible is

Sorry sloth but the bible is very sexist intentionally.

ImFree's picture
Here is a great discussion of

Here is a great discussion of lust and hypocrisy in the bible with Dr. Darrell Ray and Matt Dillahunty:

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