The Mysterious Homes of Firefly Forest

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arakish's picture
The Mysterious Homes of Firefly Forest

Here is an interesting film I found at YouTube

The Mysterious Homes of Firefly Forest



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Cognostic's picture
It's a miracle!https://www
Sushisnake's picture
Wow! Talk about cognitive

Wow! Talk about cognitive dissonance! On the one hand, I think it's a perfectly charming thing to do. On the other, REAL creatures live in tree hollows- and do kids really need more encouragement to believe in imaginary creatures? I dunno, Arakish. I just don't know. You've given me quite a moral dilemma, here.

My first thought was the free standing ones were fine, but then the park ranger mentioned flood plains and I'm a wild freshwater fish fancier and you guys have some gorgeous and interesting small species there in the US- and I just don't know!

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