Okay! I am FED up with AG! He should go!

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mykcob4's picture
Okay! I am FED up with AG! He should go!

Every fucking thread he starts, every reply he makes is a fucking sermon and nothing more. I am so tired of him saying atheists aren't moral and bleating on about a cherry-picked bit of biblical scripture. I fucking tired of it!
He is an ass, a fucking dumbass!
He has changed his moniker so many times that I'm sure that when I'm done with this OP he will have changed it yet again. That is telling about a person. It says that they are confused unstable. How long has chimp3 been chimp3? As long as I have been here that is for sure!
And if he has questions about his faith, which he clearly does, he can seek a professional. What are we fucking babysitters?

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Tin-Man's picture
Yeah, I'm done with him too,

Yeah, I'm done with him too, Myk. After that last comment he made to me in the "Hiding Ribbons" discussion I am leaning more and more toward his being an obnoxious troll. And if he is not a troll, then that guy has some very serious mental issues. He is like a freakin' yo-yo. I posted one last response to him in the "Hiding Ribbons" debate, and I have pretty much decided to totally ignore him from now on. I tried to help the guy out a little initially, but based on his behavior the past few days, he is far beyond any help I am qualified to give. (Provided he isn't an annoying troll.) Anyway, I do not know exactly what it takes to get banned from this site, but - like I said - I'm just gonna try to ignore the guy from now on.

mykcob4's picture
That is the sensible thing to

That is the sensible thing to do. I sometimes don't act sensibly.

Tin-Man's picture
Shit. You are a helluva lot

Shit. You are a helluva lot more sensible that THAT whack-job.

algebe's picture
Well I find him harmless, and

Well I find him harmless, and sometimes he actually seems close to learning something. He certainly makes a good straight man in a comedy dialogue.

I dunno. Banning someone seems like a rather Christian thing to do. Unless he switches to full-time preaching, I'd vote for letting him stay.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
I had already decided not to

I had already decided not to respond to any of his posts.
He exhibits every trait of a troll. His later posts on the child abuse 'ribbons' forum were appalling and obviously made only to get an extreme reaction.
I agree with TM he is either a troll or there is something deeply dark and wrong with the man.
He's not Donald Trump is he?

Regarding banning people, I am too new here to know the mods attitude to trolls or the mentally ill. Personally I would warn AB to answer debating points and not ignore them while tossing red herrings around like smelly, fishy confetti. If he ignored that then splatt!

DarkkWolfe's picture
I'm ambivalent. He's

I'm ambivalent. He's definitely obnoxious or disturbed. I think I mostly want him gone because he clutters up otherwise good conversations. He also causes distraction and uses up OUR time when we get so riled up as to actually post something rebutting his idiocy.

I agree that banning people doesn't feel very "free speech," but on the other hand, I would very much rather hear what the more sane forum members have to say rather than reading their rebuttals and Myk's rants (lol) at AB.

Aposteriori unum's picture
I don't think I ever

I don't think I ever responded to him. I would read what he wrote and, more often than not, it was too ignorant to dignify with a response. My battles must be such that my interlocutor at least understands what I say. Otherwise it's like Mike Tyson fighting a punching bag... It doesn't even know when it gets hit.

watchman's picture
For my part I have mixed

For my part I have mixed feelings......

You know that saying about it being "better to light a single candle than to sit and curse the darkness"..... well I've been thinking of the "blessed Pratchetts "version... ..."Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to sit and curse the darkness".

Can I ask LN (Ellen?).... if we ban him do his posts remain ?

So for me... if his posts remain...ban him ......... if not then tolerate the little shit ..... we can keep him as a sample.... like biologists with a new bacteria ....locked in a test tube.

I only ask because between AG ,JoC & Breezy (plus many other visiting theists) .... they provide a comprehensive demonstration of the degraded morality of theists ..... in fact a selection of their "collected works" could provide a useful educational resource. I think I may look into it.

CyberLN's picture
Reading and / or responding

Reading and / or responding to his (or anyone’s) posts is entirely up to you. However, at this point, I am not banning him. My suggestion to anyone who is fed up with whatever anyone else has to say is simply to ignore them.

Watchman, to answer your questions: the system allows the choice for a banned user’s posts to stay or go away. If, however, the posts are unpublished, all replies to them are unpublished as well. And yes, LN = Ellen...was wondering if anyone was ever going to get that :)

Alembé's picture
And all this time I've been

And all this time I've been thinking of you as Cyber Lynn.

MCDennis's picture
There are several theist

There are several theist contributors I ignore as being too ignorant to bother with

Tin-Man's picture
I totally agree AB/DC can be

I totally agree AB/DC can be an annoying little shit sometimes, but I also believe banning him at this point would sort of be in contradiction to our own belief of freedom of expression. Hard to explain. Just wouldn't feel right, though. Besides, I like what Watchman said about him and other such visiting theists being a good example of moral degradation. Matter of fact, it is the babbling lunacy of guys like AB/DC that actually help to confirm/strengthen my own non-belief in the god(s) they so highly praise. So, as I said earlier, I just prefer now to ignore him as much as possible. Unless, of course, he says something that sets himself up for a really good punchline, in which case it is difficult for me to resist the temptation of an easy target. lol

ZeffD's picture
I stopped reading

I stopped reading religionists' posts. They're like watching wallpaper patterns repeat themselves.

chimp3's picture
Give him a little time and he

Give him a little time and he will be an atheist again. It's a cycle, like summer and winter or bipolar depression.

Tin-Man's picture


Hey, we could help him with his next profile name. Right off the top of my head, I would suggest "Random Yo-yo".

Sky Pilot's picture
If there are no opposing

If there are no opposing viewpoints then what's the point of having a discussion forum? It's like a person saying that "the Sun is hot". A person responds "I agree". Then the next comment is "Water is wet". Then a person writes "Yes, it is". I prefer a variety of people with opposing views because that presents the best opportunity for learning new stuff by researching the issue to rebut their arguments.

If people don't want to rebut opposing views maybe we should start a math and physics forum and do algebra and calculus problems.

Tin-Man's picture
@Dio Re: Debating

@Dio Re: Debating

You are one hundred percent correct. What good is a debate forum without opposing views to debate? I'm pretty sure, though, most everybody's concern and annoyance with AB/DC is that "debating" with him is much the same as trying to debate a parrot. You make a statement, and then the parrot squawks and makes some totally random remark in reply that has little, if anything, to do with the discussion. Sure, it's cute and entertaining for a couple of minutes, but it really tends to get rather old once the parrot begins repeating the same squawking replies over and over. Not a very productive debate, basically. *chuckle* Anyway, he is fairly harmless (for the moment, at least). And I doubt anybody takes him very seriously. Personally, I view him as something of a court jester at this point.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Today, 29th December, AB/DE

Today, 29th December, AB/DE and other alter egos has exposed himself as the troll we all suspected.
I think he may have posted twice under AB when he actually meant to post under one of his other id's as his two latest posts are so out of character with his previous Catholic apologist furphys.
Today AB actually wrote "I personally think that Jesus was a failed apocalyptic prophet and that he started a following that I would consider was a cult." in direct contradiction of so many of his other proselytising missives.
So either TM was right and he is mentally ill and has today started on his new medication or the more likely explanation a self exposed troll. That is it for me. No more.
I shall be following Myk's example at being less than reticent at his posts.

Tin-Man's picture
Yeah, I think calling him AC

Yeah, I think calling him AC/DC would be much more accurate at this point. He did a complete 180 degree transformation almost literally from one post to the next within just a few hours. He is either on different meds, or he has slipped up and got his different personalities mixed up with his profiles. I'm just gonna try to ignore him as much as possible from now on.

Flamenca's picture
I'm with Algebe on this one:

I'm with Algebe on this one: "Unless he switches to full-time preaching, I'd vote for letting him stay." I vote for him to stay, until he goes full-time preaching or full-retard , as @Randomhero1982 usually says, hehe (and the comments on gay people are veeery close to the latter, so we'll see how long he lasts...)

Grinseed's picture
I would rather AB remains

I wrote all the things below without first reading Old Man's post about AG possibly having slipped up using an alias. I have to admit I may well be wrong about his not being a troll.

Despite my feelings about censorship, identity dishonesty in online forums is a form of maliciousness. If any evidence is available to prove that AB is using multiple ids then he should be banned.

Along with those bloody Indian life experts who drown this forum with their useless horoscope, life and love advice and money laundering advertising.

...written earlier...
I would rather AB remains where he is. I don't agree with banning someone no matter how inane their posts may seem; it is not a reason to ban him.
Unless there are issues of maliciousness or harm I do not accept censorship as a valid tool to counter other peoples opposing views.
I don't think he is a troll. I know some people like him, tenaciously hanging onto unreasonable religious tenets and making wildly inaccurate generalisations about other people or groups. I still talk with them. I keep making suggestions in the hope the penny will drop and the red pill takes affect (right Tinman?...or is it blue? Anyway...)

I was attracted to this forum because there are christians here to express their views. Its better than some forums who brutalise their religious guests so much that all that remains is a bunch of atheists competing in some awful 'I don't believe in god more than any of you' type trysts.

At the very least AG makes me feel sane.

Tin-Man's picture


Hey, Myk, if you haven't done so already, go catch up on the discussion in "When religion is thrown at you b/c you have cancer. What to do?" Interested in your take on it. I'll meet you back here for it when you get the chance.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Like all trolls he picked

Like all trolls he picked that post to be his poisonous best to deflect attention from a genuine enquiry and divert to his own personal drama and aggrandisement.
That is what trolls do in the end when their run is coming to an end. Attention and response is oxygen to them. I've traded my last insult.
I note the gutless little worm hasn't had a response to me at all since I called him out as a troll.
In future, whenever he posts on a new link I will confine a reply to : "Here is a TROLL, Do not feed the trolls." The more of us who respond only in that fashion will clear him off quick smart...until of course he comes up with a new ID.

Sushisnake's picture

But he also served a useful purpose, completely unwittingly: he made himself a target. The OP was finally in a safe, supportive space where she could call out his behaviour and label him correctly: "poison", she called him. She'd felt she had to cop theist crap before then - we know that, because she told us. That's worth something, Tin-man. It doesn't excuse his appalling behaviour - NO WAY does it excuse his behaviour - it merely makes him a useful idiot in spite of himself.

Tin-Man's picture


Hmmm... Damn good point, m'Lady. Now that you mention it, it was pretty nice seeing her stand up for herself against him. Excellent. And thank you for pointing that out to me.

Sushisnake's picture
Wasn't it?! I did a little

Wasn't it?! I did a little joy dance! :-D

Nyarlathotep's picture
Yeah, being insane is not

Yeah, being insane is not against the forum rules :P

algebe's picture
That's a relief!

That's a relief!

Koukla's picture
Thanks Sushi and Tin-man! I

Thanks Sushi and Tin-man! I wouldn't mind joining you on that joy dance :) I saw how he was twisting things around and trying to stir up trouble. I have no place in my life for such toxicity as I imagine neither does anyone. I try to be polite but I have such a short fuse that it takes effort so I hold back as much as possible. Since the 31st, after a single reply on my own Cancer thread, I haven't been able to participate due to some Error. I haven't yet tried today as all it's going to do is upset me but I do wish to at least acknowledge some of the others' replies. I emailed Admin and hopefully it will soon be resolved.

Tin-Man's picture


It is wonderful that you are polite and considerate of others. We could use more people like you in this world. But when an individual is intentionally and maliciously attempting to antagonize and insult others without provocation, it is perfectly okay to momentarily place that politeness aside to take a stand and deal with the problem. And like I told Sushi, it really was good to see you stand up for yourself. Good job.

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