Proof that their god is Dumb!

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NameRemovedByMod's picture
Proof that their god is Dumb!

They all drank the cool-aid! I wonder if they used orange instead of grape?

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rubiowork11's picture
I think them saying god chose

I think them saying god chose Trump and he is the "chosen one" is proof there is no god lol

NameRemovedByMod's picture
Exactly! Sometimes you just

Exactly! Sometimes you just can't fix stupid!

Grinseed's picture
As is suggested in the

As is suggested in the article their god brings natural disasters as well as political.What an arse hole idea gods are.


David Killens's picture
Have they ever pondered that

Have they ever pondered that Trump was put in office by the same god that put Obama in office?

LogicFTW's picture


I imagine not. Or they just explain it away as something like: "their god is testing them."

I do gotta say, trump winning republican primary, is a big factor to why I went from:
"I am an atheist but I do not really care eithir way and barely think about it."

"wow people actually voted in a known con artist, womanizer, blatantly narcissistic, billionaire (being a billionaire is not a good indicator to a leader that has the interest of the masses in mind!) Oh the evangelicals voted for him in great numbers? Maybe the problem here is religion that trains people to obey and believe the craziest unevidenced shit. (Like the lack of evidence that trump would actually make a good president for the masses with their interest in mind instead of just for himself, his family and billionaire buddies?)

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