Social group likely and such

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0n12uk4's picture
Social group likely and such

pardon my english

I just joined few days ago. Kinda wondering if there any social group for people here? We should made one, if there isnt. Just for lessen the alienated feeling we endure everyday or maybe just greeting new faces and or throw some daily jokes :). I have Blackberry Msg, Kik, and Line. Im still down, if majority member suggesting something else.

Well, we all going to hell anyways, according to theist.. I just think its better, if we acquainted before, :P

Pic for encouraging, if gods can hanging out together. So can we!
My nick name is Indonesian's "heathen". in case someone wondering



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CyberLN's picture
Check for your area here:
0n12uk4's picture
Err... i means like -online-

Err... i means like -online- social gathering. My apologies.

I do checking those link. Those seems outdated, with less member than here. Way less..
Pardon my complaining. And thanks for the suggestion

Good day CyberLN

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