There is a way to demonstrate my "telepathic" abilities here.

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SeniorCitizen007's picture
For some reason my mind#s


For some reason my mind's floating around a map of Eastern Canada.

arakish's picture
Pertaining to? rmfr

Pertaining to?


David Killens's picture
Aretha Franklin

Aretha Franklin

Cognostic's picture
@ arakish: What does the

@ arakish: What does the "rmfr" stand for at the end my posts?

"Here pull this finger?" Am I close?

LogicFTW's picture

Edit: whoops read the whole thread, redacted.

Who knows??       ¯\(°_o)/¯



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arakish's picture
You are getting warmer. ;-P

You are getting warmer. ;-P


David Killens's picture
All he wants is us to read

All he wants is us to read his anecdotes?

I was once walking down the street, and spotted a sweet young thang, in a miniskirt and tight top. She did not walk, she bounced down the street, while other parts of her anatomy did likewise.

I reached into my psychic abilities and divined that she had breasts and a vagina. It is amazing what psychic powers can do.

Anonymous's picture
I was going to play, but the

I was going to play, but the author of this OP is in pretty poor shape, and I can't get away from that.

Sometimes, I think it's just loneliness. Life gets tough, we isolate ourselves, and end up online trying to wrangle others in a tizzy without getting involved. Think of it. He doesn't have to answer questions. He gets others all riled up. He gets tons of attention.

And feels less lonely. Assuming his picture is himself, think of it. That's sad. Don't you think?

Tin-Man's picture
@MB Re: 007 ("That's sad.

@MB Re: 007 ("That's sad. Don't you think?")

Sad??? Heck no! I think the guy is a genius! Even if he is just bored and killing time to entertain himself, anybody that can come in here and get folks wound up the way he does is pretty dang clever, in my book. Whether or not he truly believes anything he claims is totally irrelevant. Because, either way, that is some fantastic manipulation work he is doing. lol

(In case you haven't noticed by now, I am a big fan of higher level psychological skills. Speaking of which, have you ever read any of the Hannibal Lecter books?)

Cognostic's picture
I've only read the cook book.

I've only read the cook book. Some of the recipes are delicious and the game is much easier to capture than rabbits or deer.

Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: "...and the game

@Cog Re: "...and the game is much easier to capture than rabbits or deer."

Very true. Bad part though, is that it is usually better to go waaay out of your own state to capture that game. Just a little tip.... *halo over head*....

Cognostic's picture
Obviously you have not read

Obviously you have not read the "Missing 411" material.

arakish's picture
@ SeniorCitizen007

@ SeniorCitizen007

I answered your challenge in this post:

When are you going to step up and prove those "telepathic" capabilities?

Hell, I even dared ya. But let's use the one you cannot refuse:



Nyarlathotep's picture

OK I got 3 names for you:

Billy Sears
Christopher Blevins
Susan Reiner

And my hash is: 1D5E8F076416CB37D110C25229BBB999


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