Things that freak out Muslims.

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Cognostic's picture
Things that freak out Muslims.

I saw this and laughed my ass off. A new spin on the UF0 phenomena.

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Cognostic's picture
Learning the truth about the

Learning the truth about the Quaran and Islam:

Tin-Man's picture
Re: The guy on the news show

Re: The guy on the news show

That took some damn-big balls to do that. Sadly, it is likely he never saw his home again.

Cognostic's picture
Dancing seems to freak them

Dancing seems to freak them out .... or is it just freaking me out? Where are the girls?

arakish's picture
Thanks. Needed those laughs.

Thanks. Needed those laughs.


mickron88's picture
*face palm overload*

*face palm overload*

mama mia...

Tin-Man's picture
Re: Flying horse and flying

Re: Flying horse and flying unicorn vids

W?.....T?......F?..... Like Q said, face palm overload....*double face palm*... Ya know, I can understand flying monkeys. Them bitches be real. But unicorns and flying horses? C'mon! How gullible can a person be? Hell, the horse didn't even have wings, for cryin' out loud! Are we suppose to believe the horse was levitating? And even if it DID have wings, how friggin' huge would they have to be to compensate for the thrust-to-weight ratio? Physics and aerodynamics, folks. They ain't just pretty words.

Tin-Man's picture
By the way, Cog, they would

By the way, Cog, they would not be UFO's. They would be UFE's. (Unidentified Flying Equester)

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