Tips for surviving in the Bible Belt?

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htmylsw's picture
Tips for surviving in the Bible Belt?

Living in Missouri as a free-thinker is really terrible, especially when you are stuck in the kind of town that teaches intelligent design and the word "atheist" is a common schoolground insult. Any tips to help me keep my sanity and get out of here before I commit suicide?

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chimp3's picture
How old are you?

How old are you?

BAACKJD's picture
Yeah, I'm in Iowa so I

Yeah, I'm in Iowa so I definitely get it. Are you in school?

htmylsw's picture
I'm an underclassman in a

I'm an underclassman in a public high school.

chimp3's picture
When you graduate and are on

When you graduate and are on your own you can live anywhere you want. You are not serious about suicide , are you?

BAACKJD's picture
Agreed. One immediate side

Agreed. One immediate side effect of my leaving religion was a drastically increased sense of the value of life. We only get one shot at this and can't allow ourselves to be defeated by a temporary situation. You are 2-3 short years away from moving anywhere you want. Anywhere! London, the Caribbean, Tokyo wherever.

Pitar's picture
You seem to have a rather

You seem to have a rather good grasp on your predicament that suicide cannot make better so may I suggest tolerance be your mantra. Then you can make a game of it like I did as a kid mentally storing away all the pageantry and ceremony of earth-bound creatures wriggling to be free of it one day by some figment of their imaginations. I wasn't quite into my teens when I was a self-confirmed atheist. The trouble with that was similar to yours and I persevered until I didn't have to anymore. At 17 I was gone from the family influence but the world was next and most people shun atheists. So, even when you do vacate Missouri you'll be running away from, and to, a world suffering the same problem because it's universal - theists are everywhere. Buck up, or turn it into an entertainment meme that gives you a vent and possibly a purpose if you're lacking one.

jay-h's picture
Not all theists are the same

Not all theists are the same. To many people, religion is a secondary issue, not everyone is interested in pushing it. In my circle of associates, some are religious, some are not but we're grouped around other interests than religion. With many of these people I have no idea what their religion is and I don't care.

High school can be a bit weird, but that's because high school age students can sometimes become over obsessed with various issues: religion, politics (D and R), environmentalism, veganism, LGBT issues etc and won't let the subjects rest. But not everyone is like that.

EKsoFe's picture
It's difficult not being able

It's difficult not being able to have like minded people in your life that you can share your ideas with. Religion is an overbearing factor when it comes to many people's perceptions of the world and as an atheist who doesn't share the same basis of "reasoning" as your theist peers, it's understandable to feel out of place or isolated.

I would suggest finding common ground with anyone you choose to have a friendship or aqaintanship with and leave religon/atheism out of the picture..... for now.

If you are young and in a position where your atheism would cause you physical,emotional, or academic harm that you cannot escape completely then wait and observe.

Share only with people you trust, people that will not change thier opinion of or love for you.

Fuck the rest, until you feel secure enough to flaunt your atheism, affection for reason, love of science in any way.... or not... however you decide to live.

The amazing thing about being an atheist is never needing to prove yourself. You don't need to sacrifice your safety or comfort for anyone. Your morality is your own. Your self preservation, safety and comfort (because you only have this one life) is top priority.

And if you should ever decide to put yourself in the way of critisism and prejudice in the support of atheism, science and reason, that is wonderful.

Or if you decide to be less vocal about your non-beliefs and only share your full self with loved ones, that is wonderful too.

But for now, just wait. Figure out what you want, religon aside, and strive for that. Then if you feel particularly driven, figure out what you want for the world and strive to see those changes make progress.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Hey Wet, I've lived in

Hey Wet, I've lived in southern tip of the bible belt. In Florida, for a long time. I actually moved there as a 13 year old from NY which is way more progressive with respect to religion, culture and race so it was a big culture shock. High school wasn't horrible. I just had to realize that I was different, but not better or worse than anyone else. Be the best you can be and people will appreciate you. Be friendly, make jokes, and you don't have to be super expressive now, but learn how to say no to that which you don't want to be involved in. It may sound like I'm telling you what to do because I am lol. It worked for me and It's the reason that I have religious friends who are like family and love me regardless of my non belief. This doesn't happen over night. Just have patience. I'd say this whole thing improves as you get into College. College is a place where you can challenge the norm and ask tough questions with no apology. So own your situation and make it work for you. You have a lot to live for my friend.

MCDennis's picture
Tip 1. The internet

Tip 1. The internet

julesann2614's picture
I was forced to be baptized

I was forced to be baptized as a teenager when my dad got "saved" and forced to participate in the bible belt indoctrination that we have here in the lovely "Free" USA. I waited it out. A lot of people probably wont agree with that. But I am thankful for the time I spent inside the church. I have more knowledge about what I do not believe in. I have learned how to give better arguments against certain things because I was there when the little brats at prayer service whispered to me that they faked "speaking in tongues". I was there when some idiot came back from a fake sleep saying what they saw when god told them to fall. When your time comes you will know when it is time to leave the church. If your family is devout you might be stuck till you move out as I was. Just find some online atheists you can confide in if there are non in your town

MCDennis's picture
Is the answer: MOVE and do

Is the answer: MOVE and do so as soon as possible

MCDennis's picture
Is the answer: MOVE and do

Is the answer: MOVE and do so as soon as possible

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