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SUPERNOVA's picture

Yeah yeah! Usually when i hear those sentences i click right away knowing that i would read or find something unusual but then again it's pretty much the same every time we look at it from a different perspective! DUH!!

I have been living in the darkness my entire life! Yes you heard that right. Because trust me on this i find darkness is the only companionship i have ever had or will, Why you ask? It gives me the strength to survive the madness of the human race! I don't belong to any religion or any party or anyone. Im a Free MAN with a Free well. I do as i like but yet again that is not true in today society!

As a proud ATHEIST i find myself in a circle where truth cannot be spoken and if i do i'll get in trouble! why? because it's pretty simple. You either follow or you'll be buried alive for causing damage to the YOUTH. DUH!!

As a proud ATHEIST It's my duty to open up about the truth as i opened up mine the day i realized that there's no such a thing as god. For centuries the human race been looking to fill their lonely emptiness and to do so they created the WORST weapon of all "RELIGION" knowing that it would safe humanity i mean FUCK UP humanity big time and then again you can't just take it away or it'll be a huge chaos that would lead to the end of the world. Following that Statement just ease to it and look at Disasters, Hurricanes, Earthquakes Diseases and Asteroid. Where's Your God from all of this? If he ever existed which im definitely not acknowledging him but just for instance, It's either his all powerful and not merciful or merciful and not powerful! Does any of this makes sense to you? FUCK NO.

Can't we just live together peacefully without harming each other's thoughts? No! That cannot be happening, Let me tell you a little story about myself and where i have actually come from! I come from a country that is 95% damaged and The rest 5% is the missing puzzle that is really HARD to collect.

MOROCCO! When you hear about it on the news or read about it on the internet it's pretty chilled out country but trust me on this the moment you open up your mouth or just say anything such as Freedom you'll be jailed in no time and i promise you this. YOU'LL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT AGAIN, EVER AGAIN!!! You can't even travel to the first world countries unless you have shit load of money in your bank account otherwise you'll be stuck there or you can try and swim to Japan and never come back. DUH!

I lost all my friends and family and i lost the only thing that i call home and i realize that non of it matters if i still live in the darkness of the unknown but now i live in the darkness of the knowledge which i feed up on it in every breath that i take. I have made peace with myself a long time ago otherwise i would be losing it every time i speak. I find that ATHEISM is the my only friend that i can trust knowing that there will be no more lies. ONLY THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.

Today Society thinks that we ATHEISTS are obsessed with god! FUCK THAT. We opened our eyes on the truth and we see nothing but the truth and we want the rest to see it so they wouldn't be living in the darkness. WE DO NOT WORSHIP ANYTHING, WE DO NOT ASK FOR POWER, WE SIMPLY AS FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH. But unfortunately that would take ages to achieve.


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Bad Santa's picture
What did you take before you

What did you take before you wrote this post?
Can you rephrase your topic for debate?

SUPERNOVA's picture
This is not a debate or the

This is not a debate or the post would've been in the Debate Room section you idiot! Read carefully before you comment on someone else's post! I see that you just start being active so keep calm and don't cause any chaos unless you looking for one! Be active and be happy...!

arakish's picture
SUPERNOVA: "This is not a

SUPERNOVA: "This is not a debate or the post would've been in the Debate Room section you idiot!"

Notice bold text. Your reply when you were asked...

Bad Santa: "What did you take before you wrote this post?"

I am asking the same thing. Did you pull a stinking drunk last night to be that angry and idiotic?


SUPERNOVA's picture
Again there was a question

Unfortunately you guys have no sense of Poetry!

Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Unfortunately you guys

Re: "Unfortunately you guys have no sense of Poetry!"

Hah! I beg to differ!....

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I took a poo.

arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man

@ Tin-Man

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I leave a poo
And never take poo


arakish's picture
SUPERNOVA: "Unfortunately you

SUPERNOVA: "Unfortunately you guys have no sense of Poetry!"

Here is my greatest masterpiece of poetic prose...

When I say, I Love You

I say the words “I Love You” so much
that I wonder sometimes if you take for granted
the feelings that are behind them.

I never want you to see them as just words
to begin or end a conversation.

I Love You” is just my way
of saying that you have touched
a place in my heart
and made me come alive.

You have claimed a part of my heart that,
no matter what happens to us,
will always belong to you.

You taught me how to love,
you broke through all my defenses,
and you comforted my fears.

You touched places in me
I never knew I had
and made me feel things
I never thought I’d feel.

You have all of the patience, care,
understanding, and concern needed
to build the kind of relationship we have,
and to build the kind of relationship
we shall forever have.

So when I say “I Love You,”
the words are not spoken out of habit.

It is my way of saying
thank you for being you
and for returning
some of the joy
you have given me.

Although this poem was written for my wife (28 years ago, 1990), to my wife, it can be applied to the love a father also had for his twin daughters. Even to this day, I cannot read this poem without crying.

Now that I have read this again… I shall go have my cry…


Cognostic's picture


Feelings like a sneeze
are misery when suppressed.
Sneeze and feel expressed.

David Killens's picture
Poems, what a silly thing.

Poems, what a silly thing.
They're meaningless and boring,
Pointless and rhyme.
Who wastes their time,
Thinking up ludicrous writing.


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