Why We Should Fear the Christian God

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arakish's picture
Why We Should Fear the Christian God


The reason why we should "fear" the Christian god.

Ezekiel 13:20 — I am against your pillows!

Any being that petty, should be feared due to an exceptionally severe psychological disorder.

Of course, I am expecting Tin-Man and Old Man to have a heyday with this one.


P.S. — the full verse:
Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly. (????? Does this mean he is against our pillows because they help us sleep and, dare I say it, DREAM?...)

—uploaded from my zte phone running android 4.1.2

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mickron88's picture
theist would say is...

theist would say is...

"no no no, you interpret it wrong.."

why are there theologies anyway?
to twist everything their monstrous god say?

sick and twisted

Cognostic's picture
Obviously you are misquoting

Obviously you are misquoting the bible and interpreting it wrong. You have to consider the contest. When God rips souls from the sky he is doing it out of love. Those souls deserve what they get because God is goodness and kindness. I'm not even going to talk about the Bible any more because you are an evil sinner. Good Bye! I won't post again. I will pray for your lost and sinful soul.

Tin-Man's picture
So sad..... *frownie face*

So sad..... *frownie face* If only there was a way to express the torture in my soul.... Ahhh... Perhaps a song....


Sky Pilot's picture


That's an interesting translation. A number of Bible versions use variations of it. It's reminiscent of "dream catchers" https://www.google.com/search?q=dream+catcher+drawing&client=firefox-b-1...

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