1984 = 2048?

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Flamenca's picture
I wrote " these two aspects",
Keith Raye's picture
I appear to be one of the few
algebe's picture
@Keith "don't you ever try to
Keith Raye's picture
Yes, Algebe, I agree with
algebe's picture
@Keith: "You can get yourself
Keith Raye's picture
Flamenca's picture
I think I'd find a
algebe's picture
@Angiebot: "Is it an
Keith Raye's picture
Fascinating stuff about
Flamenca's picture
@Algebe, I change the = for a
algebe's picture
@Angiebot: "By status do you
Flamenca's picture
It's amazing what you tell...
Keith Raye's picture
You may be interested to know
Flamenca's picture
Your book arrived home this


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