The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it.
The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it.
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Well what ever the truth is and what are lies this comment is this gallery image displays a real undeniable truth. What people believe and don't believe has no bearing on whether something is true or not.
Though this is true, you still have people come along who will profess that the fact that religions have withstood centuries or even thousands of years of scrutiny makes them valid. some even profess that this fact combined with the fact that after all this time nobody has proven god does not exist is evidence that their god exist.
They ignore the fact that other religions have been around some for nearly as long and some for even longer But of course these theist don't quite grasp the concept put forth in this gallery image you can believe something all you want but that won't make it true and you not believe something all you want but that won't make it untrue.
This is simple and straightforward way to say to a theist that belief doesn't matter when it comes to what really is or is not true.