2000 years and every proof of a god has been shot down.

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Matt Wilson's picture
"Let's gather all the
algebe's picture
@Matt: "We care if you obey
Matt Wilson's picture
I shouldn't have to tell you
Harry33Truman's picture
You sound like a neo-nazi, I
Harry33Truman's picture
You sound like a neo-nazi, I
Nyarlathotep's picture
Matt - When somebody just
Amber Horner's picture
Anne was not a good Jew aye?
CyberLN's picture
"Ah, yes. Most atheists (75%)
mykcob4's picture
Matt, you suffer from the
Amber Horner's picture
How about we just use common
LogicFTW's picture
how many atheists would be
Matt Wilson's picture
Whether god comes down or a
CyberLN's picture
"You can just ignore the
Flamenca's picture
Everyone decide on the rules
LogicFTW's picture
This atheist certainly does
mykcob4's picture
@Matt the NAZI christian
phetaroi's picture
The best defense (or even
mykcob4's picture
You assume that a moron will
xenoview's picture
Amber Horner's picture
DId you read anything he said
algebe's picture
@Matt: "The nuclear
jonthecatholic's picture
Matt, I'll have to disagree
Amber Horner's picture
Facts are just that, facts
Nyarlathotep's picture
Angiebot - Everyone decides
Randy the Atheist's picture
Tossing babies off a cliff is
Flamenca's picture
HI, Randy the Atheist.
Amber Horner's picture
Hi Angibot and Randy: One
Amber Horner's picture


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