4 States actually take action on gun control.

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Hollis Evon Ramsey's picture
when i was a teen, my brother
Fleeing in Terror's picture
NRA used to have more sense.
mykcob4's picture
I think you are on something
Sky Pilot's picture
The Grizzly Atheist's picture
Most states have a right to
Sky Pilot's picture
The Grizzly Atheist,
mykcob4's picture
It's funny actually ironic
The Grizzly Atheist's picture
Are you referring to how I
mykcob4's picture
I would just like to remind
The Grizzly Atheist's picture
That never happened actually-
LogicFTW's picture
If you cared to read history,
Sky Pilot's picture
Commies want us to give up
LogicFTW's picture
A paper suggests that the US
The Grizzly Atheist's picture
Again, this isn't just
LogicFTW's picture
Yes most countries have gun
The Grizzly Atheist's picture
Well it's a good thing
LogicFTW's picture
All other countries suck? All
The Grizzly Atheist's picture
An assault weapon is a fully
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
No problem with that here in
LogicFTW's picture
Dude, if you are a gun rights
Fleeing in Terror's picture
What other countries have gun
Sky Pilot's picture
LogicFTW's picture
mykcob4's picture
I remember the "hippies" and
The Grizzly Atheist's picture
That's what they were. Also,
Hollis Evon Ramsey's picture
@ Grizzly:
mykcob4's picture
I was born in 1957 and I was
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Then the rest of you old
mykcob4's picture
Trump and LaPierre are
The Grizzly Atheist's picture
First off, there are these


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