4 States actually take action on gun control.

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Sky Pilot's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Dio Re: "...Imagine being
Tin-Man's picture
@Dio Re: "The thing about
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
Nyarlathotep's picture
Hollis Evon Ramsey - ..
LogicFTW's picture
I actually agree, in the
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Nyar
Hollis Evon Ramsey's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Sounds like an at least semi
Hollis Evon Ramsey's picture
LogicFTW's picture
I can on some level respect a
Fleeing in Terror's picture
My cousin is also a gun smith
Fleeing in Terror's picture
I prefer our 130 pound Great
algebe's picture
@Tin-man Because unless the
mykcob4's picture
Heres a test Grizzly.
Hollis Evon Ramsey's picture
okay, mykcob -- you're doing
mykcob4's picture
@Hollis I give the answer in
mykcob4's picture
It should be noted that
Sky Pilot's picture
LogicFTW's picture
But you absolutely do not
Randomhero1982's picture
In regards to gun safes in a
LogicFTW's picture
And while it sounds like a
Sky Pilot's picture
Samuel L. Jackson used blunt
Randomhero1982's picture
Somewhere in America...


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mykcob4's picture
mykcob4's picture
Another thing that bothers me
mykcob4's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Let us hope the momentum
LogicFTW's picture
Walmart has also adopted new
chimp3's picture
The answer to U.S. gun


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