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@ Nobody's Hero
Above versus below
You, Nobody's Hero, are exactly the Religious Absolutist you deny being. You are a pathetic piece of septic tank flotsam. To say such diametrically opposed statements is exactly on that list I gave you. This time I emphasize the two matching above.
Here is a list of how one can spot a Religious Absolutist and they only need match just ONE:
"Above versus below," you know this kind of reminds me of the Tabula Smaragdina:
Just like the "god" and the religion. God is supposed to be above while the religion is below.
Yep. As Richard Dawkins put it, “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving, control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” Exactly the same as its religious followers; “This true without lying, certain and most true. That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that which is below …”
Of course the author of the Tabula Smaragdina got it correct first, "that which is below" (fallacious men) created "that which is above" (childish, spoiled brat, ie – god).
Also reminds me of another meme I saw somewhere on the WWW: "Man made God in his image: petty, jealous, murderous, vindictive, misogynistic, racist, etc."
You're crazier than the hardcore Christian fanatics. At least their position is internally consistent; they tell us abortion is murder, then they treat it as such.
CyberLN is a dudette. Not dude.
CyberLN, I am afraid his answer is "Yes" to both.
Nobody's Hero: "If a women gets pregnant, who’s fault is it?"
The man's.
I said previously I wouldn't be replying to you anymore. Here I make 1 final exception...
"P.S. — I never read this this thread except the title. First and last time I shall visit."
Nobody's Hero
Someone had to come back and refute the garbage you have spewing from your brain diarrhea.
And if you really want to see a liar, go look in the mirror. I have caught you in many more lies than I have told. Hell, you have told more lies in just this one thread than I have told on ALL the threads of these forums.
Is this thread in relation to abortion to only be discussed in accordance to Ex - 21:22-25. or is this about abortion in general?
This thread was meant to find Biblical foundation(s) for the current religious belief that God is pro-life (especially considering that the evidence we're finding indicates that God places little or no value on fetuses). What it's become is something else entirely. Hahaha.
Forgive me, @ doG, if I've misrepresented your original purpose.
I did not read the replies but assumed as much since most threads tend to go that route. Thank you for your reply.
@ NOT searching for truth whom has NEVER sought for truth
That is your new pet name.
"I did not read the replies but assumed as much since most threads tend to go that route."
And you are always the one to take those threads down this route. Even the ones you start.
Nope, you are all good my shinizzard.
@ NOT searching for truth whom has NEVER sought for truth
For you, it does not matter. You shan't be able to discuss anything worthy of discussion.
Additionally, while you are pondering your irrational illogical presupposed assumptive confirmation biased arguments that are so fallacious we don't even need to debunk them, for you do it for us, prove yourself capable of a nanogram of integrity and answer these questions.
Mon, 04/29/2019 - 14:53 (Reply to #27)Permalink
1) Abstinence
2) Free/cheap Contraception
3) Adoption
4) Motherhood
So how exactly am I anti choice? 4 perfectly reasonable choices.
Those are your choices, dictating which choices others may make is not pro choice.
Say that to the heroine addict who just wants a relaxing evening at home. Say that to the murderer who just wants the feeling of adrenaline by killing his next victim. Say that to the rapist who just wants his rocks off. Say that to the tax avoider who just wants a little more money. Say that to the man on death row who the masses have condemned to death based on their belief what he did was wrong, even when he thought it was justified. Say that to the teacher who was sexually attracted to a 16 yr old and used it as a way to forget the sadness in the marriage. Say that to the kid who was so upset he punched his girlfriend. Say that to the depressed teenager who had no father figure to teach him right from wrong. Tell the teenage girl that having sex with a stranger is a way to feel loved and not a way to feel mistreated. Tell her that in order to feel secure, sex is a must. Empower her by saying her pussy is the best thing going for her, but if all else fails, abortion is okay. Tell our women that they have nothing to offer but sex. Tell our girls they are destined for pleasing the male. Tell them that it is worth the short term pleasure because if they get pregnant, easy abortion. Please tell our ladies that it is because we LOVE them that we allow them to make BAD choices.
Men. When did you become so lazy. So complacent. So soft. So facile?
A woman doesn’t need a man to tell her he agrees with a bad decision. She needs a man to have the guts to tell her when she’s making a bad decision.
In the same regards. Men. Recognize that you are ONLY successful because you have the brilliance of a woman behind you. Do not forget her. Do not take her for granted. Work with her for a better good. Only then will we have peace.
SomeBODIEShero, you wrote, “Men. Recognize that you are ONLY successful because you have the brilliance of a woman behind you....etc.”
I will be sure to share that with my friend Jonathan and his spouse, Steven.
Please do. They might learn something.
Nobody's Hero: "Please do. They might learn something."
There is only one thing any person could learn from a Religious Absolutist like you.
Absolutist religions have...
...in the name of your god for millenia around the world to spread such a theological message.
But I am the one going to Hell for not believing in this nonsense?
As far as I am concerned, 55+ years of personal religious discrimination and religious persecution by you bigoted Religious Absolutists gives me the RIGHT to turn the tables and do the same to those who did it to me. You know the adage: “Do unto others as they have done unto you.” It is y’all’s Golden Rule. Or, is it, “Do unto others before they do unto you.”
There is a lot of material in your post that is borderline sexist. Consider this a warning; we are serious about that shit here.
Lol what? What did I say that is sexist to you? I am so pro woman you have no idea. I live my life knowing the only reason I am successful is because I have an amazing woman supporting me in every way possible and I am so grateful for that. When did Supporting the traditional marriage and being pro life become sexist?
Not surprised you don't see the potentially sexist comments you made, I will spell it out for you the comments that can come across as quite sexist:
We (being men) allow them to make bad choices? Really? Women need permission from a man to make any choices good or bad?
That is sexist towards men. Why do all men have to be non lazy, non complacent, tough etc? Why is that our job instead of possibly the womans?
She needs a man? That does not come off sexist? Needs a "gutsy" man to tell a woman what to do with her body?
This is in the middle of what looks like an attempt at woman empowerment statement from you. But you leave in stuff like "a woman behind you" why do they have to be "behind?" Also why do all of this have to be from a woman? Why not another man?
Real kicker there, did you not notice that Jonathan's spouse has a man's name? Then telling them they can only be successful with a woman behind them? Well done... and you still claim you have no idea what you have said might be possibly sexist or at the very least not a very tolerant towards homosexuals?
Traditional marriage is sexist, very sexist and homophobic. I have a hard time thinking of something that is more sexist than traditional marriage. (Now to be clear millions and millions of people get married and have very happy successful non sexist marriage these days, but that was NOT the case in the past, marriage originally was more like the selling off a woman, preferably "brand new" (young) and unopened (virgin.) And this practice still occurs in many parts of the world today.
I am happy married to a wonderful wife in a relationship that to me far exceeds most any other relationship I am privy to the details on. But our wedding and marriage was anything but "traditional." We got married because we love each other, like each other and wanted to make a promise to each other, an excuse to party and have fun and be with family/friends. And because of the tax benefits (as well as other government/law benefits) of marriage. We had no "vows" we did not get married in a church, we skipped strait to the party part of it, and the actual marriage was a simple signing of a piece of paper so that it was recognized by the state that we did at the county clerk's office dimly lit desk 2 days prior to the marriage, she kept her old last name, (her family name mostly ends with her plus the name change process is a pain in the ass.
▮I am an atheist that always likes a good debate
▮Please include @LogicFTW for responses to me
▮Tips on forum use. ▮ A.R. Member since 2016.
Nobody's Hero
Someone still has absolutely no clue. Typical of any and all Religious Absolutists.
That isn't what I said or believe. If I did believe those things, you would already be removed from this community. What I'm telling you is I believe you are walking a thin line, and I'm advising you back away from the line.
If you don't understand what I'm talking about, read Sheldon's post below.
Nobody's Hero
Actual English Translation = "I live my life knowing the only reason I am successful is because I have a woman just as delusional supporting my delusions in every way possible and I am so grateful for that."
You simply want to force your choices onto women, and your non sequitur straw man arguments are just fallacious attempts to distract from this fact.
You offer no explanation why this list of behaviours is remotely comparable to a woman having autonomy over their own bodies, and until you do it's meaningless rhetoric.
Our? Dear oh dear, that possessive pronoun says it all. Women are NOT possessions, they don't belong to anyone.
Allow? Do you even hear yourself? Again women are not possessions, and nor are their choices allowed by men like you who think their beliefs make it ok to subjugate women. Note the word bad being capitalised, do you think this validates your belief a termination is a bad choice? I have yet to see a cogent reason why this is a bad choice, just the same cliched rhetoric.
Well again this says it all, women don't need men to tell them anything, this is the worst kind of patronising chauvinistic bigotry. The idea of women making decisions over their own lives and bodies clearly angers and petrifies you. I am starting to think you really have some issues with women.
Subjugating women and treating them like possessions that have to be told what to do with their own bodies is appalling, and no amount of meaningless rhetoric will change this.
I must say I find your rhetoric extremely creepy, it reminds me of the television series The Handmaid's Tale. The way you use words like peace, love, good and bad, as if they're entirely conditional on everyone doing as you think they should. As I told you in an earlier post, and this sums up the religious arguments against abortion for me, no one is telling anyone they have to have an abortion, but you anti-choicers keep insisting women should not be allowed to make choices that you disagree with.
Believers are against abortion, but they also are against stem cell research. It is a speck of goo that is used for stem cell research. The believers are such hypocrites. After a baby is born, they can give a shit about the baby's welfare.
@ Lucia Delia
Welcome me Lady. Come on in and join us on the WWW Sane Asylum.
Your post reminds me of a billboard I saw back in North Carolina.
I may not be remembering it correctly, but that is close to what was on that billboard.
@Lucia Delia
I agree, folks against stem cell research are also abominable. And typically they do not understand the issues and what is involved at all.
Also welcome to the boards if this is your first post! I personally anyways am always interested in more folks here to debate with and against.
▮I am an atheist that always likes a good debate
▮Please include @LogicFTW for responses to me
▮Tips on forum use. ▮ A.R. Member since 2016.
Nobody's Hero and
NOT searching for truth whom has NEVER sought for truth
Only one of you two Religitards were the one who clicked Disagree on this one before.
Why are Religitards such cowards that they click a Disagree button, but ain't MAN enough to say why they Disagree. Wussies.
Nobody's Hero: "Men. Recognize that you are ONLY successful because you have the brilliance of a woman behind you."
I am successful and me wife was murdered 20+ years ago. Hmm...