AJ777, problem of Evil and cosmological argument.

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Sheldon's picture
@ AJ777
Empedocles's picture
Sheldon's picture
Yes I'm familiar with
toto974's picture
"That to those suffering the
Empedocles's picture
toto974's picture
Sheldon's picture
AJ777 "Hell which was created
toto974's picture
AJ777 doesn't even offer
Sheldon's picture
Well when asked for his best
Randomhero1982's picture
"Gods are unprovable bollocks
AJ777's picture
From gotquestions website:
toto974's picture
arakish's picture
AJ777: "The word translated
Randomhero1982's picture
So either way, this god chap
AJ777's picture
God can’t be objectively evil
arakish's picture
@ AJ777
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ AJ777
Sheldon's picture
"God can’t be objectively
Sheldon's picture
What objective biblical
AJ777's picture
You’re wasting a lot of time
arakish's picture
@ AJ777
xenoview's picture
Sapporo's picture
AJ777: You’re wasting a lot
AJ777's picture
Sapporo's picture
AJ777's picture
Objective morality is a fixed
toto974's picture
arakish's picture
@ AJ777
Sapporo's picture
AJ777: Objective morality is
Sheldon's picture
"I would likely not listen to


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