Are all religious people bad?

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Lionmark23's picture
Are all religious people bad?

I tend to find people in this website who have this bias against people who believe in God. Why?
Well, I know some of the reasons. Atheists think that belief in God is stupid, ridiculous, and illogical.

So are basic human senses, thoughts, and beliefs illogical? What is logical anyways?

I have a friend from discord who gets saying how much I think all people who believe in God are selfish, or idiots.
Because I would talk about how much I dislike religion and the horrible things it has brought.

I did apologize since most of the time I come across as too mean. I don't want people to see me as this hateful person.
I dislike religious values and beliefs, yet I don't blame the people for it. Some religious people can be very progressive. Not the beliefs, just the people.

For many years, non-religious people have been crucified for not believing in the same ideas and beliefs as the religious. Please, let's not become the enemies we were against.

Sometimes something like feeling emotions is seen as illogical. I don't know why. I guess we can't be intelligent if we feel emotions?
Please, I wonder if there is a way for both religious and non-religious people to find a some sort of compromise and maybe both of us can work together to create a better world. If all we do is fight one another, nothing will get done.

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Peurii's picture
I used to think religious
Lionmark23's picture
I do love your response.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Mikey - Please, I wonder if
Lionmark23's picture
While it is true that some
Sapporo's picture
"Good" and "Bad" are
Cognostic's picture
@Mikey: Bias against people
Lionmark23's picture
I think you don't exactly
algebe's picture
This video sums up why I view
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP - "Are all religious
LogicFTW's picture
@OP by Mikey
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
I think we should foster
Calilasseia's picture
One of the bodies of

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