Are there creatures with semi evolved body parts present on the parent

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fruyian's picture
Are there creatures with semi evolved body parts present on the parent

Are there creatures with semi evolved body parts present on the parent creature?

In reply to this comment of which I find confusing:
"people who accept evolution are the most ignorant, thick-skulled, bigoted morons to ever existthanks for proving that you are a bigot and a moron. you just love to call god a liar by accepting the evolution lie. we should see creatures with semi evolved body parts not present on the parent creature if evo was true. so far zerp evidence for evo have been found in nature."

From my understanding:
This is what he says we do not have any evidence of:

the guy doesn't understand evolution
in that sense semi evolved body parts don't exist
generally; every step on the evolutionary ladder is useful. another copy of a gene or a slight alteration in the code can case another leg to appear, but if the mutation is bad, the individual will die (or something similar evolutionary speaking).
for example, humans can't evolve half wings with the goal of full wings; as evolution doesn't have a goal.
either arms have to change step by step into wings, each step being better than before in reproduction or new appendixes have to form step by step, and each step being useful and adding to better reproduction

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Nyarlathotep's picture
fruyian - "the guy doesn't
charvakheresy's picture
Arguing with an evolution nay
Sir Random's picture
And yet they have the
Thomas the Doubter's picture
As late as the 19th century,
charvakheresy's picture
Some how you do not seem to
Nyarlathotep's picture
I should have put the
mykcob4's picture
Well you are wrong on some
Nyarlathotep's picture
Thomas- "As late as the 19th
Thomas the Doubter's picture
The theory of evolution
chimp3's picture
Thomas: " will
ThePragmatic's picture
"Is it possible to question
charvakheresy's picture
@ Thomas the Misinformed -
Thomas the Doubter's picture
Miller-Urey experiments got
Nyarlathotep's picture
Answer me this: If an
Thomas the Doubter's picture
Modern scientific knowledge
Nyarlathotep's picture
"life cannot exist without
Nyarlathotep's picture
Thomas the Doubter - "believe
Thomas the Doubter's picture
Try using common sense.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Thomas the Doubter - "Try
Thomas the Doubter's picture
If you lack the common sense
Nyarlathotep's picture
Thomas the Doubter - 'I don't
Thomas the Doubter's picture
No one knows how much
CyberLN's picture
In addition to the data that
Dave Matson's picture
Thomas The Mythphobe,
Nyarlathotep's picture
Greensnake - "Has anyone in


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Thomas the Doubter's picture
Thank you for your very
Dave Matson's picture
Yes, we have the FACT of
Thomas the Doubter's picture
Dear Greensnake,
chimp3's picture
Typical ! Naysaying an entire
Dave Matson's picture
Dear Thomas the Doubter,


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