The argument from necessity.

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io_luca's picture
The argument from necessity.

I am an atheist playing god's advocate (just for fun). How do you reply to the argument that god has to necessarily exist since there is a need to have a necessary cause for all which is contingent in the universe for, if there was no prime, necessary cause, we would be unable to account for a reality which is contingent in its nature?

I do have a couple of replies ready, I would love to compare them to yours.

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Nutmeg's picture
Dunno really. One thought
io_luca's picture
Thanks Nutmeg you are on what
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right: they tell us
Valiya's picture
@ Luca
ThePragmatic's picture
@ valiya s sajjad
Valiya's picture
HI pragmatic
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Valiya
Nyarlathotep's picture
The Pragmatic -"This
Valiya's picture
HI Pragmatic
Nyarlathotep's picture
valiya s sajjad - "And sorry,
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Luca de Joanna
Valiya's picture
Hi pragmatic
io_luca's picture
This presents a set of
Valiya's picture
I am not talking of god yet..
Nyarlathotep's picture
valiya s sajjad - "I am not
io_luca's picture
well explained, Nyarlathotep
io_luca's picture
"Forget God, whatever the
io_luca's picture
Why would such an external
io_luca's picture
Finally,it is not clear why
io_luca's picture
You would have to prove,
io_luca's picture
"The premise of a ‘necessary
Valiya's picture
HI Luca,
Nyarlathotep's picture
valiya s sajjad - "it is
io_luca's picture
Hallo, thanks forr your long
Valiya's picture
io_luca's picture
io_luca's picture
Short version of my longer
Valiya's picture
io_luca's picture
Hallo and thanks, yes, this
io_luca's picture


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