"Arguments" you're tired of seeing

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The_Quieter's picture
"Arguments" you're tired of seeing

I may be new around here but I've been around on the internet debating for a decade or more at least and a lot of the "arguments" if you want to use the term loosely haven't changed. I realize you can't expect people to come up with something new and original all the time but after so long there are just some things I get tired of having to effortlessly explain to people.

Top of the list? "Atheism = Communism.... and therefore atheism is responsible for the horrors of communism"

No, communism is responsible for the horrors of communism.

What usually brings this up is when you point out for a supposedly benevolent god with a supposedly peaceful religion there's an awful lot of murder and genocide in the holy book and an awful long history of murder and genocide on the part of the followers of the holy book.

And yes, I include all the Abrahamic religions in that which is why I didn't say "Koran" or "Bible".

Finding an ocean of blood from another source will not magically make your ocean of blood go away, particularly if you're being dishonest about it the source the other ocean.

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TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Most of them, as they tend to
Dave Matson's picture
You ought to make up canned
Terminal Dogma's picture
Pretty much all of them,
arakish's picture
This one from "Someone". Yes
Peurii's picture
Every prime mover argument
LogicFTW's picture
Lots of theist arguments I am
toto974's picture
Mine!: god works in
Sapporo's picture
"Everything that begins to
arakish's picture
The Intelligent Design
Sheldon's picture
Any argument claiming atheism
Peurii's picture
Oh oh! Atheists are by
Sheldon's picture
A delusional belief in a
Cognostic's picture
Presuppositionalism is the
arakish's picture
Here is one I heard from a
Sheldon's picture
It's called a straw man
curtisabass's picture
And don't forget to mention
Sheldon's picture
Good point, and bring us
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
My favorite is that there
algebe's picture
Young Earth creationism. The
Jared Alesi's picture
I have long thought that the
Mad Mac's picture
Argument with theists is
Sheldon's picture
When all theists stop
algebe's picture
@Sheldon: stop indoctrinating
Sheldon's picture
Indeed, and I plagiarised and
LogicFTW's picture
@Mad Mac
Terminal Dogma's picture
The way theists use arguments

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