Atheist Sick in Bed and Bored to Tears

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toto974's picture
But there puppies?...

But there are puppies?...

arakish's picture
Yeah, if I were to pick

Yeah, if I were to pick anything like a religion, it would be a mixture of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, throwing out all the ritual bullshit (which is religious in my book), and keep ONLY the philosophy behind them. The only reason I do not subscribe to any of them is because they do have rituals which makes them religious. A combination of meditation and philosophy, yes. As soon as you start making rituals, then it becomes a religion.

Religion is absolute worst thing created by humans there ever has been in all of history.


Cognostic's picture

@ BUDDHISM IS BULLSHIT! Just like any other religion it is based on fantasy, wild assertion, and it causes pain, suffering and misery in the world.

Nothing has been more harmful to the East than the ideas of REINCARNATION and KARMA. These two concepts are directly responsible for world wide prejudice to such an insane degree that it is just cultural and accepted as normal. CAST SYSTEMS rely on these concepts. Even when there is not a Cast System in place, like here in Korea, the Karmic system is subtly in place throughout the culture as it permeates CONFUCIANISM as well as BUDDHISM.

If you have an accident and lose a limb, and that loss costs you your job, your family, and your current lifestyle,,, well that is just your Karma. You deserve it for the terrible things you did in a past life.

If you have a baby and that baby is deformed physically or mentally, that is your karma. You have earned that baby and that baby has earned it's karma. These babies are hidden away, often shipped off to islands where they are forced into labor camps picking fruit, mining, or doing some other form or horrific labor. They are blinded or maimed even more and then forced to beg in the streets. It's their Karma.

Until recently, a female child was "bad karma." The woman was given a female child because she was a bad person. Husbands would beat their wives if the child was female. And any female baby was aborted. 20 years ago when I came to Korea there was a popular movie that pointed out the fact that it was the MALE sperm that was responsible for the sex of the baby and not the female's egg. This was a major shock to Korean society.

I really enjoy the Buddhist Koans. I will agree that they are useful insights into the psychology of the human mind. But the wheat must be separated from the shaft to be useful. Buddhism is full of spirits, superstition, bad philosophy, horrible advice, and tons and tons of WOO WOO. It is just another among many BULLSHIT RELIGIONS.

Anonymous's picture
Cog, you really need to calm

Cog, you really need to calm down and try to comprehend by READING the post you are so passionately responding. Seriously, do you even read the entire posts, or just react to your choice of personal trigger words? There are many branches of Buddhism that do not claim karma, and if you had any knowledge of Buddhism, you would know that. "Buddhism is full of spirits,,,"

It's unfortunate to dismiss an ancient philosophy based on so little research, if any, as you have done.

Cognostic's picture
Magnificent Beast: So you

Magnificent Beast: So you can explain the "BUDDHA'S TEACHING" Not only am I well versed in Buddhism but I have lived in Asia for 20 years and am familiar with Korean, Japanese, Tai and the Buddhism India as well. Please cite a Buddhist sect that does not follow the teachings of Buddha.

"Buddha’s teachings make it clear that we are all accountable for our past, present and future. With his teachings one who is suffering in poverty, pain, and an unfortunate life is reaping what he has sown in his past life. His choices continue to create the karma that fuels the Wheel of Life for rebirth."

"The rebirth doctrine in Buddhism, sometimes referred to as reincarnation or metempsychosis, asserts that rebirth does not necessarily take place as another human being, but as an existence in one of the six Gati (realms) called Bhavachakra.[4] The six realms of rebirth include Deva (heavenly), Asura (demigod), Manusya (human), Tiryak (animals), Preta (ghosts), and Naraka (resident of hell).[4][6][note 1] This rebirth, state Buddhism traditions, is determined by karma, with good realms favored by Kushala (good karma), while a rebirth in evil realms is a consequence of Akushala (bad karma).[4] While Nirvana is the ultimate goal of Buddhist teaching, much of traditional Buddhist practice has been centered on gaining merit and merit transfer, whereby one gains rebirth in the good realms and avoids rebirth in the evil realms."

"There are many references to rebirth in the early Buddhist scriptures. These are some of the more important; Mahakammavibhanga Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 136); Upali Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 56); Kukkuravatika Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 57); Moliyasivaka Sutta (Samyutta Nikaya 36.21); Sankha Sutta (Samyutta Nikaya 42.8)."


The Sautrantika sub-school of the Saravastivada Buddhist tradition, that emerged in 2nd century BCE, and influenced the 4th-century CE Yogacara school of Buddhism, introduced the idea of "transmigrating substratum of consciousness".[28] It stated that each personal act "perfumes" the individual and leads to the planting of a "seed" that would later germinate as a good or bad karmic result.

The Pudgalavada school of early Buddhism accepted the core premise of Buddhism that there is no attā (ātman, soul, self), but asserted that there is a "personal entity" (pudgala, puggala) that retains a karma balance sheet and is mechanistically involved in rebirth; this personal entity, stated Pudgalavada Buddhists, is neither different nor identical to the five aggregates (skandhas).[29] This concept of personal entity to explain rebirth by Pudgalavada Buddhists was polemically attacked by Theravada Buddhists in early 1st millennium CE.[29] The personal entity concept was rejected by the mid-1st millennium CE Pali scholar Buddhaghosa, who attempted to explain rebirth mechanism with "rebirth-linking consciousness" (patisandhi).[30][29]

Some schools conclude that karma continued to exist and adhere to the person until it had worked out its consequences.[citation needed] Theravada Buddhists assert that rebirth is immediate while the Tibetan schools hold to the notion of a bardo (intermediate state) that can last up to forty-nine days.[34][35][36]

The bardo rebirth concept of Tibetan Buddhism, along with Yidam, developed independently in Tibet, and involves forty two peaceful deities, and fifty eight wrathful deities.[37] These ideas led to mechanistic maps on karma and what form of rebirth one takes after death, discussed in texts such as The Tibetan Book of the Dead.[38][39]

Another mechanistic rebirth theory that emerged in Buddhism posits that a being is reborn through "evolving consciousness" (Pali: samvattanika viññana, M.1.256)[40][41] or "stream of consciousness" (Pali: viññana sotam, D.3.105) that reincarnates.[42] Death dissolves all prior aggregates (Pali: khandhas, Sanskrit: skandhas), and this consciousness stream combined with karma of a being contributes to a new aggregation, which is rebirth. Nirvana is the state that marks the end of this consciousness continuum and the associated karmic cycle of suffering through rebirths and redeaths.[43]


Karma and karmaphala are fundamental concepts in Buddhism.[12][13] The concepts of karma and karmaphala explain how our intentional actions keep us tied to rebirth in samsara, whereas the Buddhist path, as exemplified in the Noble Eightfold Path, shows us the way out of samsara.[14]

One of us has no frigging idea what the hell they are talking about.


Tibetan Bhavacakra or "Wheel of Life" in Sera, Lhasa.
Karma and karmaphala are fundamental concepts in Buddhism.[12][13] The concepts of karma and karmaphala explain how our intentional actions keep us tied to rebirth in samsara, whereas the Buddhist path, as exemplified in the Noble Eightfold Path, shows us the way out of samsara.[14]

Rebirth,[note 2], is a common belief in all Buddhist traditions. It says that birth and death in the six realms occur in successive cycles driven by ignorance (avidyā), desire (trsnā), and hatred (dvesa). The cycle of rebirth is called samsāra. It is a beginningless and ever-ongoing process.[15] Liberation from samsāra can be attained by following the Buddhist Path. This path leads to vidyā, and the stilling of trsnā and dvesa. Hereby the ongoing process of rebirth is stopped.

"The Buddha used the term karma specifically referring to volition, the intention or motive behind an action. He said that karma is volition, because it is the motivation behind the action that determines the karmic fruit."


All you are doing is asserting the very same thing I have asserted. LIKE I SAID ABOVE IN THE PART OF THE POST YOU OBVIOUSLY DID NOT READ! "DID NOT READ!"

"I really enjoy the Buddhist Koans. I will agree that they are useful insights into the psychology of the human mind. But the wheat must be separated from the shaft to be useful."

"If you can find a school of Buddhism that does not talk about reincarnation, karma, or the circle of life and death, THAT SCHOOL IS DOING EXACTLY WHAT I ASSERTED. Getting rid of the shit and focusing on the psychology of mind or basic philosophy which does have some good stuff in it. "

If someone is harping on specific words or idea and not reading posts completely, it certainly is not me.


Anonymous's picture
Cog, you're acting like a

Cog, you're acting like a fool, right now. I know you are not, but you are acting like one.

When Old Man and I were chatting about Buddhism, we weren't supporting it as a religion or philosophy. You probably didn't even read the posts. You're just mouthing off, once again, at the top of your lungs about how much you hate religion. We weren't talking about that! WE WEREN'T TALKING ABOUT THAT. So your first reactive post to us about how much you hate Buddhism, and why we should, doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. IT DOES NOT MATTER. THAT'S *****NOT****** WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT.

There are many facets to Buddhism, and even more different philosophies about Buddhism. Old Man and I were talking mindfulness and some of the aspects of Buddhist TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS which he and I both use today. There's nothing religious about it. They are just techniques to calm the mind, which originates in Buddhism. Meditation, mindfulness.

Honestly. I don't have to show a dang thing about anything. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT HAS ALL THE ANGER TOWARD RELIGION. Still fighting your unresolved issues on any post that sparks your appetite. For Pete's sake, grow up, would ya?

And knock it off. I'm not interested in your problems.

Cognostic's picture
Agreed. Mindfulness is an

Agreed. Mindfulness is an excellent component of the teachings of Buddhism. I will assert that it was not clear from your posts your focus was on that specifically. At the same time, I said nothing that disagreed with your original post. Being and existentialist myself, being in the moment is a quality I admire in myself as well as in others. (You didn't say "mindfulness" before. You said I knew nothing about Buddhism.) I practiced Zen for 20 years as I studied the Japanese martial arts of Shito-ryu, Aikido, Iedo, and Shotokan. Here in Korea I practice Kom-do. Known as Kendo in Japan. I have Zen Flesh Zen Bones and Chop Wook Carry Water on my desk here at work. I am fluent in the writings of TD Suzzuki. I have dropped most of the Buddhist BS, however, "Being in the moment" is one of the gems of Buddhist teachings. I don't think there is another way to fight. The brain is too slow to respond to action with thinking. There is amazing stuff behind "no thought."

And if you read the last paragraph of the post you responded to, I said exactly what you have said in this post.

"There are many facets to Buddhism, and even more different philosophies about Buddhism. Old Man and I were talking mindfulness and some of the aspects of Buddhist TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS which he and I both use today. There's nothing religious about it. They are just techniques to calm the mind, which originates in Buddhism. Meditation, mindfulness."

"I really enjoy the Buddhist Koans. I will agree that they are useful insights into the psychology of the human mind. But the wheat must be separated from the shaft to be useful."

AND MY POINT REMAINS: BUDDHISM IS A SHIT RELIGION just like all other religions. IT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAIN AND SUFFERING ALL OVER THE WORLD. It's philosophy of Karma, Birth and Death is directly responsible for the Cast Systems in Asia. You are simply making an assertion that there are good things in it's traditions. Agreed. There are good things in the Bible and the Koran as well. So what. The religions created around these BS idea are worthless.

Anonymous's picture
Cog, I come from a Buddhist

Cog, I come from a Buddhist family. I was raised a Buddhist, I'm no longer a Buddhist obvious, but atheist, Iron Man and I were talking about aspects of Buddhism that we practice. And that seem to really threaten you. Is it not okay for others to disagree with you?

Again, why are you so threatened that others disagree with you?

edit: I didn't mention mindfulness? You didn't read it, fool.

Wed, 08/29/2018 - 14:18
Magnificent Beast
Magnificent Beast's picture

Well, I'm going to just rattle on. The best religion that works for me is Buddhism, but I'm not a Buddhist. The teaching is cool, thought. Life is suffering. Once you accept that life is suffering, it releases you from being addicted to things. Not water, air, or food, of course. But things like craving love, or not being satisfied with what you have. Being grateful that your life isn't worse. "Worse" meaning however you define it.
Buddhism teaches mindfulness. Mindfulness is just focusing on your breathing. There's nothing spiritual about it. Your eyes are open, and you can focus on a doorknob, or chocolate cake, it doesn't matter. Mindfulness helps you stand back from an observer's point of view to simply observe was is going on, what you're feeling, the here and now, rather than reacting to the situation.

Again, I don't believe in Buddha or the religious part. However, the half-smile (the Mona Lisa smile, if you will) is how mindfulness can help you. Emotions can rule your life, and if you live according to how you are feeling, this can be dangerous.

Thanks for listening.

-------------------------------------------------------------------end quote

Anonymous's picture
Cog, I gotta tell you this

Cog, I gotta tell you this cause it's so funny. I just got a call from a very good friend who taught me about mindfulness, etc., and I told him that you and were arguing online about it, and he said, 'GEE, IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU BOTH COULD USE SOME RIGHT NOW"

HAHAHHAA Isn't that funny? But it's true.

It's all good, Cog. I'm eating Bi Bim Kook Soo as we speak.

Cognostic's picture
There is a Buddhist tale

There is a Buddhist tale about a young monk walking to a temple. He is walking along the road as he notices that the cows have broken through the fence and are in the corn field eating all the corn. The young monk tells himself to me mindful. "Notice the cows, the corn, the sun, the colors, the feeling of each step. Stay in the moment." When he gets to the temple the master is sweeping the walk. The monk proudly tells him. "Master, I maintained mindfulness on my walk to the temple. I notice my breath, each step I took, the feeling of the road on my feet and my clothes on my back. I was aware of the sun shining down on the corn that the cows were eating." "What!" screamed the master, "The cows are eating the corn!" And then the master hit the monk on top of the head with the broom stick and went running to the corn field. As he ran he screamed back at the monk. "You Idiot! That's all we have to eat for the winter."

Assuming mindfulness is something different than a discussion or disagreement is not understanding mindfulness at all.

LogicFTW's picture
Iron Man and I were talking

Iron Man and I were talking about...

Hehehe...I wonder what the tin-man thinks about you talking to ironman? Will he be jealous? I know I am, I want to be friends with Tony Stark, maybe he will let me borrow one of his suits...I know of a bunch of useful uses for such a suit... Like flying around ;)

Yᵒᵘ Oᶰˡʸ Lᶤᵛᵉ Oᶰᶜᵉ

─=≡Σ((( つ◕ل͜◕)つ     ← Me flying around.



▮          I am an atheist that always likes a good debate.          ▮
▮   Please include @LogicFTW in responses directed to me.    ▮
▮        Useful list on forum usage. A.R. Member since 2016.      ▮

Anonymous's picture
Who is Tony Stark?

Who is Tony Stark?

(love how you make your little images, there)

Tin-Man's picture
@MB Re: "Who is Tony Stark?"

@MB Re: "Who is Tony Stark?"

W-w-w-whaaaat???...*both hands to sides of face*.... *shocked look*.... Oh-my-goodness.... I'm just gonna pretend you didn't ask that.....*using hand to rapidly fan face*.... Oh, dear. Somebody please point me to the nearest bar....

LogicFTW's picture
@Magnificent Beast

@Magnificent Beast

I have fun with the text images, most of them are not my original work however. (A few slightly modified by me.)

I highly recommend if you wish to understand popular culture today in the USA to catch up on all the Marvel Studio movies. Starting with the first good one: Iron Man, whom everyone even in the Marvel Universe even knows is Tony Stark, Billionaire inventor extraordinaire that inherited Stark Industries from his father after his parents were mysteriously killed. (I won't spoil the surprise, but to say Tony Stark AKA Iron Man finds out eventually who did it, and to the surprise of no one, it is another super hero... or is it villain? Que the mysterious music.

ooh..! another excuse to put in an ascii emoji image! ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬ (dancing.)



▮          I am an atheist that always likes a good debate.          ▮
▮   Please include @LogicFTW in responses directed to me.    ▮
▮        Useful list on forum usage. A.R. Member since 2016.      ▮

Anonymous's picture
Marvel Universe? Nah.

Marvel Universe? Nah.

I'm a woman, Logic. To the core. And the way Marvel has treated women is not to be born. No, thank you.. I'll stick with reality, thanks.10

chimp3's picture
MB! A good chicken soup is in

MB! A good chicken soup is in order. Made with chicken feet. With Matzo balls. You do not need a Jewish person for the Matzos. I am a Goy and make great Matzos. Where are you located?

Anonymous's picture
(banging on your front door)

(banging on your front door)

i brought ragalach! Get out the napkins!

chimp3's picture
I'll make tea!

I'll make tea!

Anonymous's picture
And latkes!!! oh my god, now

And latkes!!! oh my god, now I'm really feeling better.

(you didn't by chance, make a brisket, hunh?)

chimp3's picture
I make excellent Latkes but

I make excellent Latkes but need a little time on the brisket.

Anonymous's picture
My last two boyfriends, way

My last two boyfriends, way back in my 20's, were Jewish. I have no idea why, except I was living in Brooklyn. I love the food. Nothing like spending a week at a good Jewish Deli. hah!


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