Atheists, Can you please explain this? PLEASE!

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miguel54's picture
Atheists, Can you please explain this? PLEASE!

An example of a famous testimony is a former Muslim by the name of Afshin Javid. He claims he was a former Muslim extremist who was in a jail cell in Malaysia. While he was meditating, Jesus appeared to him and quoted bible versus.

This is all over youtube. There are many videos where Muslims have some sort of "supernatural" intervention where they meet Jesus, and then they convert to Christianity. I am sceptical about these claims but I want to know your perspective on how these could be explained? In the videos many of the people cry and look very sincere so I have a hard time thinking they are just making everything up on purpose. I feel that they believe these interventions took place, whether they did in actual fact or not. I am just wondering how someone who has supposedly no knowledge of Jesus or the Christian faith could see Jesus if it was fake?



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Deforres's picture
People in extreme
mykcob4's picture
The thing is we don't have
Nyarlathotep's picture
chickenman - "I am sceptical
miguel54's picture
I like your answer the best
Nyarlathotep's picture
According to https://en
mykcob4's picture
Where do you think Islam came
miguel54's picture
but how would you explain a
Deforres's picture
As much as I hate repeating
Nyarlathotep's picture
Clearly you just want to
mykcob4's picture
chimp3's picture
Malaysia is not the Middle
algebe's picture
Malaysia is also a former
algebe's picture
Everything on YouTube is 100%
ætherborn98's picture
There are many LIARS WHO ROB
Deforres's picture
Well, religion certainly
Dave Matson's picture
Anecdotal stories are
ThePragmatic's picture
@ chickenman
charvakheresy's picture
It is absurd that you would
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Can I explain? Yeah, most

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