Being Pressured

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acohen203's picture
Being Pressured

So I was Jewish and a new atheist/irreligious. The rabbi wants to meet with me tommorow to probably pressure me into going to the high holidays. I feel it is hypocritical. What should I do and what arguments should I use?

Thank you

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chimp3's picture
Why don't you turn down the
jdrose's picture
Tell him Abraham didn't go to
acohen203's picture
Im an atheist and doesn't
jdrose's picture
your profile says athiest
acohen203's picture
I see. Thank you
chimp3's picture
I am still curious as to why
acohen203's picture
I feel compelled due to the
chimp3's picture
If you don't mind let us know
jdrose's picture
Tanakh doesn't give the whole

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