Better world without Religion

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science's picture
Better world without Religion

As long as there is Religion, there will never be peace in this world. Religion has caused more pain, death, and destruction than anything else since the begining of time. What is the ROOT cause of the seemingly never ending wars that have been going on for decades, and decades, costing countries ( especially the USA) countless lives, trillions of dollars, and causing turmoil among citizens, breaking the country apart? RELIGION!!! There is NO TOLERANCE for anyones beliefs, OR non-beliefs. Why can't people just keep their beliefs, superstitions, worships, what have you, among themselves, without having to "push" these things on to others, and live in peace? It is a nice thought, but unfortunately, will NEVER HAPPEN. This world would truly be better off WITHOUT RELIGION.

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mysticrose's picture
I highly agree with your
ImFree's picture
I hate the way religion preys
The Inimitable E. Cypher's picture
Religion is nothing but a
ImFree's picture
I'm tempted to buy this sign:
ThePragmatic's picture
But surely religions like
science's picture
In the words of George Carlin
ThePragmatic's picture
I never saw this one, almost
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Didn't see this one, thanks
ThePragmatic's picture
Another one I hadn't heard
ImFree's picture
Revealing article Jeff,
Pitar's picture
For the amount of bad
Kataclismic's picture
I like to believe that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Religion is the very first
CyberLN's picture
Jeff, please define 'mind
Jordan's picture
While I agree entirely about
ThePragmatic's picture
US Catholic Church shells out

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