Biblical Date Rape

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chimp3's picture
Biblical Date Rape

The story of the "Virgin" Mary is central to the Jesus myth. It does seem a lot like date rape. Young teen age girl wakes up to find herself pregnant. God never asks permission . He never even offers her the benefit of a good lucid dream roll in the hay with a positive finish. Her sexual desires and needs are not part of the scenario. Simply announces to her she is now his concubine. Krishna would have at least appeared to her in a form she most desired before he made her his Gopi. God did not even have to slip her a roofie. He is that omnipotent. All of the Cosby's of the world are in good company.

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Endri Guri's picture
What "God" does is always
charvakheresy's picture
Wait so doesn't that mean God
Endri Guri's picture
Ahhh....Bible People...

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