Make believe your gay--or if your gay make believe your "straight". It would be impossible to be anything but what you are. Now as an atheist make believe you believe Jesus Christ is your savior. Come on try hard.. Can't do it can you.. Try really, really, really hard to believe there is a imaginary man in heaven. Can't do it-can you. If you are a believer in God or Allah and really believe in Adam and Eve and the talking snake or heaven and hell make believe that there is NO God. Try really hard to give up your belief in God... Can't do it--can you. While homosexuality is 99.9% "born this way" I believe belief in God is 68% 'born this way". Conditioning and environment may have little to do with being gay(99% born that way). While conditioning and environment have a lot to do with belief in God many are "born that way"(66% born that way. Right at the beginning(in the genes) human beings are predisposed to believing in God. Richard Dawkins might argue evolution might have something to do to belief in God. I accept that.. But more than evolution some human beings are predisposed to believing in God. Even if it is only 66% predisposed to believe in God--add conditioning and environment to someone who is 66% predisposed to belief in God and-----you have a Liberty University born again Christian or ISIS and a Allah fanatic. To a certain extent you are "born this way" to be a believer in God or not. If you are born with little or no genes to predispose you to believe in God --no way in hell could you accept such fucking bullshit. On the other hand if you are born with lots of genes to predispose you to believe in God-with the right conditioning you would be susceptible to believing Jesus was born from a virgin and other such bullshit. As a heterosexual or homosexual you are 99.9% born that way. As an atheist or "theist" you are predisposed in your genes to belief in God. To a certain extant you are born to reject an invisible God or except Jesus as your personal savior. To those who think this is a whole bunch of "crap" and bull--tooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. You were "BORN THIS WAY" to reject my intelligent hypothesis or a interesting, creative and smart person and except it. Either way you were BORN THIS WAY. God Bless!!
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