brain buster

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Nyarlathotep's picture
brain buster

Imagine a world where cars have a 2 digit serial number. You want to play a game where you check all the cars in a parking lot to see if there is at least one pair that have the same serial number.


  1. There are 100 possible serial numbers (00, 01, 02, ...,97, 98, 99).
  2. All serial number are equally likely (car factories doesn't favor certain serial numbers).
  3. The serial numbers are independent (these are just random cars).

Q: What is the minimum number of cars needed for there to be a 50% (or greater) chance that there is at least 1 duplicated serial number?

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Whitefire13's picture
Oh god Nyar...haven’t had my
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well if there are 101 cars,
Whitefire13's picture
Lol!!! I like my parking lot
Calilasseia's picture
Here's my reasoning.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Calilasseia - Step 3: The
algebe's picture
CyberLN's picture
Grinseed's picture
Busted brains all over my
dogalmighty's picture
n2 = -71.2
Cognostic's picture
@Calilasseia: Thanks for
Whitefire13's picture
*****my head hurts FROM all


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Whitefire13's picture
So I got to thinking of a
Bonzo's picture
I do not think there are
Nyarlathotep's picture
Bonzo - I do not think there
Grinseed's picture
first thanks for providing a
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well I kind of screwed up.
Cognostic's picture
RE: Brain buster-


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Whitefire13's picture
It’s the whole “chance” thing
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'm pretty sure the answer is
Sheldon's picture
Nyarlathotep "I think the
Cognostic's picture
*Waaaaaaaa!!* They are
Dworkin's picture
algebe's picture
With puzzles like this, the
David Killens's picture
algebe's picture
@David Killens: 42
dogalmighty's picture

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