Breaking away from one's religious upbringing

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SeniorCitizen007's picture
Breaking away from one's religious upbringing

An acquaintence of mine, who had been brought up as a Catholic, asked my advice about to "escape" from the influence of the Catholic Church.

I instructed him to carefully cut up a picture of the Pope into 16 pieces then place the pieces in a bowl and set fire to them. Once they were burned to ash he must fill the bowl wth water and flush the contents down a sink.

He did this ... and found that his awareness of how his Catholic associates were manipulating him was dramatically heightened .. to the point where he saw their "control tactics" as "amusing".

This also works if one is trapped in a relationship with someone and is finding it very difficult to break away from them.

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Grinseed's picture
Rituals play important parts
xenoview's picture
Interesting, now your using
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Its called 'visualisation',
Sheldon's picture
There you go again with your
Chipperfhu's picture
I'd be willing to bet there
Tin-Man's picture
@Dan Re: "What worked for
Chipperfhu's picture
Had some issues to work out
chimp3's picture
I left the RCC when I was 13.

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