Caesar, Dark Matter and God

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algebe's picture
@JazzTheist: For example:

@JazzTheist: For example: Caesar. The oldest documents that ever said anything about him existed 900 years after his supposed death

What are you talking about? Julius Caesar wrote books about his military campaigns, notably his conquest of Gaul. There are critical references to him in speeches by Cicero, including those relating to the Catiline Conspiracy. There are records of three marriages and two divorces, plus his various political and military appointments. The Roman Senate approved his deification two years after his death.

algebe's picture


This coin from 44BC shows the face of Julius Caesar. I'm skeptical about the hair, however. Contemporary writers mocked him for always wearing his triumphal laurel wreath to cover up his bald spot.


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algebe's picture


And Pope Alexander VI named his son after Julius Caesar, not Jesus.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Algebe

@ Algebe
He doesn't understand the historical method fact reading his nonsense I do not think he comprehends much at all.

algebe's picture


I'm interested that you class god alongside dark matter as an unproven theory.

You've invented a dark (invisible) god as the theoretical cause of a phenomenon (existence) for which there is no known cause as yet. Scientists have developed the dark matter theory to account for the behavior of cosmic structures that can't be explained given the mass of visible matter in the universe.

Scientists are looking for objective evidence of dark matter. If they find other explanations, they will abandon the theory. Theists will simply reject any evidence, however, solid, that contradicts their dogma.

TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
May I say, thank you for the

May I say, thank you for the comment regarding Julius Caeser.

Roman history is not a strong point but I was aware of a few pieces of evidence eg. his war journals.

I must also say I find it remarkable that science is being called in to question,
Apparently not noticing that if you dismiss science or the scientific method then the remaining thin straws the theist clings to has been utterly destroyed.

The kalam cosmological argument and the others like contingency and so fourth, are all underpinned by cosmology, astronomy, physics and the laws of nature.

Dismiss them and I really don't see what is left in the rubble to formulate a coherent argument.

algebe's picture
@TheBlindWatchmaker: The

@TheBlindWatchmaker: The kalam cosmological argument and the others like contingency and so fourth, are all underpinned by cosmology, astronomy, physics and the laws of nature.

I don't think they are. They involve various unproven assumptions. It's one thing to say that every effect has a cause, but they arbitrarily claim that there is one original mover that is either eternal or came into existence without a cause. Where did that come from? They also make the unsupported claim that this original mover is conscious and personal.

TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I entirely agree with you.

I entirely agree with you.

My point regarding its requiring of physics, cosmology and so fourth is as such.

When you investigate the prime mover argument, it is based on the singularity hypothesis from classical general relativity.
If you remove science and physics as the OP is seemingly suggesting, then there is no prime mover argument.

Likewise with Kalam cosmological argument.

It claims in one of its premises that the universe begun to exist, however, if we rid all science, physics and so on from the equation, there is absolutely no argument.

I completely agree that all of these arguments are fundamentally flawed and based on unproven assumptions.

algebe's picture
@JazzTheist: What's more, the

@JazzTheist: What's more, the authors of the Gospels were tortured and killed.

You don't know that, because nobody knows for sure who wrote the gospels and when.

arakish's picture
@ JazzTheist

@ JazzTheist

Typical of a Religious Absolutist. Barely researches a topic and thinks hesheitthey know everything about it.

Caesar: Wrong. There are actually hundreds of documents that date to times of the Caesars. Hundreds for each one. Julius was not the only Caesar. Do more research.


Old man shouts at clouds's picture

Yeh I gathered that you were being terse...but its just the kind of thing theists like Jazzy would red herring. Thought I would nip that idea in the bud."head the varmint off at the pass" so to speak!

And I love your work here! Reminds me of my dissection classes way back in Thanks for your insights and logic! I read every damn post!

arakish's picture
Yeah. It's because I am

Yeah. It's because I am tired. Just took over here at the installation lab after flying this morning. Also had to run out and replace an antenna before everyone else went home for the holidays. Who knows what happened with the old antenna. Most often, we know visitors sometimes steal them from watching the videos later. I think most visitors know we have vidcams on the geomancy stations, thus they always spoof their idenity with a hooded jacket. Not much we can do about it.

The dark matter subject is basically over my pay grade. Thus I stayed out of it. And I am pretty sure by now he knows my take on the whole "god" thing. No evidence = no existence. Either prove it or shut the hell up.

And I read your posts also. On a certain era of the Bible, your treatises are like a dissection class also. I learn quite a bit every time I read your posts. May not retain it, but still learn.

Thanks for your work. Especially the Laurel and Hardy like routines between you and Tin-Man. Those are the real reason I read these threads. I can always count on a good laugh, lightening my day. Thanks, those laughs are much appreciated.



EDIT: Sorry, Old Man. I was so tired I thought you had directed that response to me. However, for the most part, this response is still valid.


TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

xenoview's picture

I apply xenoview's razor to your claims that a god exist. Show some objective evidence that your god is real.

You do know that humans created all the gods they worship. That includes your god.

JazzTheist's picture
''Show some objective

''Show some objective evidence that your god is real.''

As I've stated many times, this is the dogma that makes atheism unfalsifiable.

''You do know that humans created all the gods they worship. That includes your god.''

Mistaking the philosophical God and the religious God. Same old non sequitor. The two are distinct yet not mutually exclusive.

xenoview's picture

Your lack of objective evidence, means all you have is subjective evidence from your mind that your god is real.
Your philosophical god is still a human construct, part of your subjective mind.

arakish's picture
And the religious god is also

And the religious god is also a construct of that feeble little mind dreaming of the Sky Faerie, Magic Lich Virgin, and Rather Comedic Spook. Can't say much else for someone who purposefully retards his own mind.


SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Asking for empirical evidence

Asking for empirical evidence is not an unreasonable request.

Sapporo's picture
Julius Caesar and dark matter

Julius Caesar and dark matter are falsifiable, unlike supernatural things like gods.

Atheism is merely the lack of belief in the existence of gods: it doesn't necessarily make claims that are unfalsifiable.

Also, my worldview would not collapse if Julius Caesar and dark matter were shown to be false.

Sapporo's picture
At best, @JazzTheist can show

At best, @JazzTheist can show Jesus to be a natural phenomenon. That he is resorting to threads like this one where even the existence of this aspect of his god is up for debate shows the hopelessness of his cause.

JazzTheist's picture
The examples of this thread

The examples of this thread are intended as parodies of the methodology that you use to determine whether the Bible is true and whether a God exists or not, and you can clearly see how flawed they are.

As for Jesus' divinity, the works of William Lane Craig and David Wood have demonstrated how Jesus' Resurrection was very, very likely to be an actual event. Of course, you would dismiss it solely because of its supernatural nature for the sake of unconditional skepticism--which is begging the question and is the weakest link in your methodology.

Randomhero1982's picture
As for Jesus' divinity, the

As for Jesus' divinity, the works of William Lane Craig and David Wood have demonstrated how Jesus' Resurrection was very, very likely to be an actual event. Of course, you would dismiss it solely because of its supernatural nature

No, i dismiss William Lane Craig because he's a fucking plank.

JazzTheist's picture
Well, prove it then. William

Well, prove it then. William Lane Craig is a creature who lives in the natural world; therefore, whether or not he's a ''fucking plank'' is subject to your methodology in this case.

Randomhero1982's picture
Watch the debate where he

Watch the debate where he gets ruined by sean carroll and you'll see why.

He doesn't understand the physics he is discussing and misrepresent top scientists such as Borde, Guth and Vilenkin.

He's a total wanker.

JazzTheist's picture
And watch the debate where he

And watch the debate where he demolished Christopher Hitchens.

Hitchens evaded Craig's arguments, and based all his own arguments on feelings, personal incredulity and social impact (which Craig pointed out has nothing to do with what's true). In short, Hitchens made zero point.

Randomhero1982's picture
Hitchens is not a physicist

Hitchens is not a physicist or scientist of any way shape or form.

Craig's argument for the belief of god is the prime mover and kalam arguments.

He goes in against the top brass and got made to look a twat, simple as that.

If his argument was regarding evolution I would say an argument with Dawkins would be telling... your comparison in the previous post would be like him discussing evolution with Jay-Z.

Utter bollocks.

TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I'm not quite the word smith

I'm not quite the word smith you are, nor would I frame a reply as such.

But that is a very good point.

JazzTheist's picture
Well, I'm still looking

Well, I'm still looking forward to your justification of your denial. By the way, I'll watch the debate.

TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I'll ask again here as it

I'll ask again here as it went unanswered before, If we accept the ultimate first cause argument.
What was the first physical effect?

arakish's picture
To be honest, William Lane

To be honest, William Lane Craig never won any debate. The only reason he seems to win is because he will never debate on neutral ground, or on atheist ground. He only debates when he knows his audience is going to be at 90% of same mentality he has: confirmationally biased with presupposed assumptions that the Sky Faerie and the Goat Herder's Guide to the Universe, Life, and Everything is completely true. William Lane Craig is too much of a lousy coward to debate anywhere he does not have a majority who already believe as he does and he is doing is reminding them. Both of those you have mentioned are probably the greatest of the mentally retarded Religious Absolutist Apologists. No better than the dog shit you avoid because it stinks.



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