Can an impersonal cause bring about the universe?

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krispykreme's picture
Can an impersonal cause bring about the universe?

Yeah, pretty much that. Have at it.

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CyberLN's picture
Which universe?

Which universe?

krispykreme's picture
Good one. Our universe.

Good one. Our universe.

CyberLN's picture
Your question isn't sensible

Your question isn't sensible then. Are you asking "can" it, or "could it have"?

Also, are you pre-supposing that the universe was actually "brought about"?

Nyarlathotep's picture
why not?

Maybe. Why not?

Travis Hedglin's picture


Nutmeg's picture
Maybe it wasn't brought about

Maybe it wasn't brought about. Maybe it always was. Instead of the big bang it could have been the big bounce. No beginning, no end.

But answering your question, yes. No need for a god......

Kataclismic's picture

1) without reference to any individual person; objective
an impersonal assessment
2) devoid of human warmth or sympathy; cold
an impersonal manner
3) not having human characteristics
an impersonal god

1) (Astronomy) the aggregate of all existing matter, energy, and space
2) human beings collectively
3) a province or sphere of thought or activity

Can a cause without reference to any individual person bring about the aggregate of all existing matter, energy and space?
Can a cause without reference to any individual person bring about human beings collectively?
Can a cause without reference to any individual person bring about a province or sphere of thought or activity?
Can a cause devoid of human warmth or sympathy bring about the aggregate of all existing matter, energy and space?
Can a cause devoid of human warmth or sympathy bring about human beings collectively?
Can a cause devoid of human warmth or sympathy bring about a province or sphere of thought or activity?
Can a cause not having human characteristics bring about the aggregate of all existing matter, energy and space?
Can a cause not having human characteristics bring about human beings collectively?
Can a cause not having human characteristics bring about a province or sphere of thought or activity?

No matter how you phrase it, it still looks like an infamous question, something about a chicken and an egg. Then of course there is the matter of it requiring a human envelope to ponder the results in, thereby biasing the entire experiment. Scientifically speaking however, the concept of a sphere of thought being caused by something not-human is demonstrated in Hanabiko "Koko" the gorilla. Unless you consider her a person or having "human characteristics", but that would be an entirely different debate.

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