celebrating winter solstice or christmas

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Dave Matson's picture
Do I feel forgotten? Not at

Do I feel forgotten? Not at all! Christmas trees, tinsel, presents, lights, a Yule log, and the other bright and joyful ways the old pagans celebrated the return of the sun are a fun setting for a nice, family gathering and an especially good dinner. Once the hassle of buying and wrapping gifts is done, the cards sent out and, for many women, the dinner is made, its a time to kick back with some eggnog and family and enjoy the beauty of it all. Beautiful lights adorn some of the more energetic homes.

CyberLN's picture
Greensnake, feel free to pop

Greensnake, feel free to pop over to my house. I'll let you raid the wine cellar! :-)

Heartplace's picture
Christmas has always been the

Christmas has always been the most magical time of the year for me. Not because of some supernatural deity, but because of presents and warm family atmosphere. It really is that simple :DD


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