Christian hoaxes

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Lmale's picture
Christian hoaxes

Guys gods real this (christian) websites done a story they found noahs arc oh well there goes atheism.

If thats not enough a (christian) websites done a story they proved exodus a single wheel was found in the red sea unfortunately it disappeared on the way to the museum.

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Lmale's picture
This has been posted before
Capt.Bobfm's picture
This Dan Eden who wrote the
Lmale's picture
Im just posting hoaxes ive
Capt.Bobfm's picture
I never heard of that one.
Lmale's picture
Recent reports have revealed
Lmale's picture
Oop so shocked i forgot to
SammyShazaam's picture
It's really interesting that
Lmale's picture
Ok a few facts ive found out.
mattyn's picture
The church said all of this?
Lmale's picture
The church wants to deny the

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