Christians have the names mixed up

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Harry33Truman's picture
Christians have the names mixed up

so Christians believe that Ghandi is in hell since he wasn't a Christian, but those pedophile priests go to heaven since they are Christians. (This is called the "One way to heaven doctrine"), now my big issue with this is that they want to go to the place called "heaven" and avoid the place called "hell." I mean- what kind of person is it that wants to go live in the penthouse with a bunch of rapists, pedophiles, and murderers, forever?
If you asked these people "which would you rather live with forever, Ghandi or some Rapist Christian?" They would most likely chose Ghandi, yet they all seem to want to go to this "heaven" place. I think they got the names mixed up and want to go to the wrong place, I'd rather live with Ghandi in a hole than Constantinein a palace.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's picture
A few further questions you

A few further questions you may need to work through you r errors.
Do all christians believe this?
Do christians go to heaven or does God come to earth?
Is faith all that is needed to gain access to heaven/new earth? (cf. Bonhoeffer re-cheap/costly grace)

chimp3's picture
Since heaven and hell are

Since heaven and hell are simply mythological places then the OP is moot.We can argue for justice in the here and now.

mykcob4's picture
@Harry Truman

@Harry Truman
1) Gandhi committed rape as well.
2) Ignore Don Logan as he is clearly uneducated and lacks integrity.
3) There is no heaven or hell so it doesn't matter anyway.

Harry33Truman's picture
Ghandi? He was celibate, what

Ghandi? He was celibate, what basis do you have for this?

"There is no heaven or hell so it doesn't matter anyway."
We don't know that, even from a religious perspective, few verses talk about the afterlife, and many of them could likely not be speaking literally. The Tanakh is more focused on how we live this life.

This we do know; after you die, something happens. We aren't sure what though, maybe you go to Sheol and "exist" forever, not so much an after life and more an after existence. Maybe you cease.
Maybe you partially cease but part of you exists in some form. Maybe you're reincarnated as a chimpanzee. Who knows? Exen the theory that your life force disipates after death is just as much a caim as anything else.

Seenyab4's picture
Yeah, I was under the same

Yeah, I was under the same impression. I'm not sure where mykob got the information that Ghandi was a rapist. But we don't know if something ever happens after death, unless someone contacts us from "the other side" if it even exists.

Harry33Truman's picture
From the Tanakh point of view

From the Tanakh point of view it doesn't focus on this much, but here's what I can say scientifically:
1. A mind isn't just the phenomenon of electrical impulses through our brain, there is also a unique magnetic field emitted by our brains which could theoretically exist outside a brain.
2. There are certain instances of reincarnation or people having the memories of dead people who they never heard of before.
3. Some Tibetan monks are able to light things on fire with their minds, point is there is more to our minds than a brain- we don't even know 1% of everything.

Kataclismic's picture
You're babbling gossip

You're babbling gossip magazine rubbish! None of that is scientific!! Those are headlines!

Light things on fire with their minds?!? Really? And with the age of camera phones you don't have a single video of that?!?

Why do you propose such rubbish?

Harry33Truman's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Harry Truman - "there is also

Harry Truman - "there is also a unique magnetic field emitted by our brains"

Since a field is just a value (in this case a vector) at every location in space, what exactly does "unique" mean in your phrase: "unique magnetic field"?

Harry Truman - "Some Tibetan monks are able to light things on fire with their minds"

Perhaps you should do a little reading about it. Here I'll help:

Wikipedia - Pyrokinesis - "There is no conclusive evidence that pyrokinesis is a real phenomenon. Alleged cases are said to be hoaxes, the result of trickery."

Harry33Truman's picture
Buddhist monks don't make

Buddhist monks don't make this stuff up, if fact they try to keep it out of sight as to not show off.

ThePragmatic's picture
So does that qualify as proof

So does that qualify as proof then?

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's picture
Was Gandhi convicted or

Was Gandhi convicted or charged?
Wow! Eleven years at school and four at college, all wasted, do I have to hand back my degree? I`m amazed you can come to such conclusions from a few posts and never having met me, well done with that.

Kataclismic's picture
I always wondered why hell is

I always wondered why hell is this place of fire. If we don't even have our bodies what is there to burn? I mean I understand it is just an appeal to emotion bent on propagating fear but it still doesn't make sense.

Harry33Truman's picture
It doesn't have to make sense

It doesn't have to make sense as long as everyone believes it:

"It doesn't matter what it is, it only matters what people think it is."- Adolf Hitler

Kataclismic's picture
But if it doesn't make sense

But if it doesn't make sense then I am unlikely to believe in its existence and less likely to have a fear of it. So that's sort of like saying "we know it's fake, it's just to persuade you" and then wondering why I'm not persuaded.

Why are you quoting Adolf Hitler then? Are you a Nazi?

Harry33Truman's picture
No, I was quoting Hitler to

No, I was quoting Hitler to demonstrate where this thinking comes from, and that it is Hitlerian, but in a way he is right.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Harry Truman - "It doesn't

Harry Truman - "It doesn't matter what it is, it only matters what people think it is."- Adolf Hitler

BS detector reads kind of high on this. Do you have a citation for it?

charvakheresy's picture
@ Harry Truman - So Judaism

@ Harry Truman - So Judaism believes that the Hebrews were a chosen race, anointed by Yahweh (The one and only God as claimed by them). He watches over them, Guides them through the desert (and gets them lost in it as well), leads them out of Egypt (but before that enslaves them to the egyptians), Leads their armies to victory (Over other peaceful inhabitants who have not caused them any harm).

Judaism believes the rest of humanity is fodder barring this one clan as GOD has selected them and only them by a covenant (of prepucal skin - Gods weirdly kinky)

Atlas christianity is willing to let anyone into heaven who says they are christian (stupid as that sounds). In judaism you need to be born a jew otherwise you were doomed from the start.

P.S. - Your God seems either indecisive whether he really wants to help you or is just toying with you. The desert thing, the slavery thing, makes you kind of wonder whether you are just being bullied?

Harry33Truman's picture
Where do you get this stuff?

Where do you get this stuff?

1. Judaism isn't a race, it is a nation.

2. Anyone can become a Jew, so even if all non-Jews were "doomed" they could just convert they don't need to be born a Jew.

3. What do you mean by "doomed," hell isn't a concept in the tanakh.

4. You provide no scriptures to back your claims, see Ezekiel 18 to debunk everything you just said, "the righteousness of the righteous will be upon him and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him," G-d isn't going to doom you because of your parents or show you favor because of your parents.

ThePragmatic's picture
The Jewish nation is called

The Jewish nation is called the Jewish nation, not Judaism.

From Wikipedia:
"Judaism... encompasses the religion, philosophy, culture and way of life of the Jewish people] Judaism is an ancient monotheistic religion"
"Judaism is considered by religious Jews to be the expression of the covenantal relationship that God established with the Children of Israel."

"The Jews, also known as the Jewish people, are an ethnoreligious group originating from the Israelites, or Hebrews, of the Ancient Near East. Jewish ethnicity, nationhood and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish nation"

Jews are referred to as an ethnoreligious group, encompassing both race and religion. It's fully possible to be an "Atheist Jew".

Harry33Truman's picture
Yes I know they are called

Yes I know they are called secular Jews, Jew is more of a nation than anything.

ThePragmatic's picture
I was trying to politely

I was trying to politely point out your incorrect statement.

- "Judaism isn't a race, it is a nation."

"Judaism" is not a nation, it is a an ancient monotheistic religion. Judaism is the expression of the covenantal relationship that God established with the Children of Israel.

While "Jews" might not technically be a race, but it is an ethnoreligious group: "an ethnic group whose members are also unified by a common religious background."

Your statement is incorrect, but as usual you omit to respond. It's quite a distinct pattern...

CyberLN's picture
"Jew is more of a nation than

"Jew is more of a nation than anything."

Oh my. That is just complete silliness!

Folks who identify as Jewish live all over the world, in many, many nations and yet they are still Jewish. Additionally, Israel is a nation that has a ~25% population that does NOT identify as Jewish, and yet, they are Israeli.

Harry33Truman's picture
They are catterred, but being

They are catterred, but being a Jew is being part of a nation.

CyberLN's picture
Complete BS. I am Jewish

Complete BS. I am Jewish (secular). My nationality, however, is U.S.

ThePragmatic's picture
Look Cyber, you can't

Look Cyber, you can't possibly argue against someone who is an internet conversion, who have synthetically metamorphosed into the Jewish faith. And a History Channel devotee to boot! He probably knows a lot more than anyone else about, well, anything really.

CyberLN's picture are right, Prag. are right, Prag. I got way too full of myself there. He is so obviously wiser and more knowledgeable than I. I shall endeavor to learn whilst studying at his knee.

charvakheresy's picture
@ Harry Truman - I do not

@ Harry Truman - I do not know whether you intentionally or unintentionally misrepresented my words and even though they were in black and white I will repeat them

"So Judaism believes that the Hebrews were a chosen race."

I did not say Judaism was a race. I mentioned the Hebrews were a selected race. Hebrews are an ethnic group.

They identified themselves as separate from the philistines and the gentiles and what not. It is not my interpretation but that of your book.

Please do take a moment to read a comment before you decide to misrepresent it in your reply.

Harry33Truman's picture
Hebrews are not a race either

Hebrews are not a race either, they are a people, which is something different. Jew is more of a Nationality, though it has become a race in a way. There are European Jews (Ashkenazi) Middle Eastern Jews (Sephardic) Black Jews (Abayudaya) even Asian Jews (in India) and Native American Jews (like me), you can be a Jew and be of any race, it's just that most Jews come from a sdsdpecific gene pool (Ashkenazi)

chimp3's picture
@Harry Truman: Can I ask an

@Harry Truman: Can I ask an Native American how he is Jewish? Intermarriage like Robbie Robertson, Mormonism, conversion?


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