confused and depressed in Chrisianity?

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confused02's picture
confused and depressed in Chrisianity?

Did not come to debate. Came for some support in finding out what I believe and what is going on with me. I am Christian right now yet so many things don't add up. I am told on one hand to be a Christian or burn in hell. I am seeing things in the bible that make no sense. For example we are suppose to have a loving God yet in the old testament there is talk of slavery. I am told God can and will heal everything. I know this is not true. He may be able to but he does not heal everything. When I go to Christian chat and talk about my illness I am told God will heal me though I have prayed about that a million times and am not healed. I am depressed most of the time as in my history but Christianity did not fix that and wonder at times if it has not made it even worse. It is implied that you do not have enough faith if you are not healed by God. Jesus is suppose to be perfect yet God has wrath. Wrath is seen as a sin I do believe so how does my God have wrath? We are commanded to worship God or go to hell. Yet I would not command my children to worship me or be killed. The bible says ask anything in his name and it shall be done. But it is not. God punished Job and gave the devil full permission to tear up Job's life completely so that it was a test for Job to pass to prove he loved God no matter what. Is that cruelty? We are told to pray about something and the prayer will be answered yet people pray about 100 times for the exact same thing over and over and it is not always done. Is one prayer sufficient? I guess not. I am told satan is working on me when I am sick or depressed. I am told he is out to get me daily. Yes if I am not sick I am told the bible says we must suffer on this earth. But when I do suffer God is suppose to fix it with a prayer. Are we suppose to suffer or are we to be healed of everything? I am told we always have joy with God in our lives. But I have little joy ever.

I am confused and sick and God does not seem to be doing anything about it. Though I have prayed and had other pray for me. and another question, why is my prayer alone not enough but I must have many pray about the same thing for me also. And why was Christ demanded to die a painful death for my sins? Why was forgiveness without anyone being killed sufficient? I forgive people and would not expect someone to suffer or die for me to forgive?

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John Southern's picture
Dear Confused - To find truth
Zaphod's picture
I actually agree with this
Zaphod's picture
What you are going through is
Zaphod's picture
I just want to clarify you
jordtame's picture
You are not alone many people
jordtame's picture
Yes belief in dieties are not
confused02's picture
Thanks for all the input. I
Zaphod's picture
God fearing means just what
confused02's picture
Yes I am quite confused about
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Listen, there is a lot of
confused02's picture
Thanks much for you input. I
jordtame's picture
Confused, stripping religion
confused02's picture
Thanks so much for your input
Zaphod's picture
Confused, I'm sorry your
confused02's picture
I have severe fibromyalgia
confused02's picture
Well I have a true disease
Zaphod's picture
Sorry your prayers couldn't
confused02's picture
By the way I always loved
Zaphod's picture
Were you a Mormon? There
confused02's picture
No traditional generic
confused02's picture
No not Mormon. Thanks though
Zaphod's picture
So what brought you to the
Zaphod's picture
I meant to say, what brought
confused02's picture
Christianity did. Because I
confused02's picture
Oh the Christians I talked to
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm not trying to belittle
ladadada's picture
If you want to be healed, go
SammyShazaam's picture
Well put. Believe in hell and
BisexualAtheist's picture
Rock is fine. There are
confused02's picture
Thanks for you input. I have


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