"Cops: Mom crashed car to prove to kids God is real"

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Alembé's picture
"Cops: Mom crashed car to prove to kids God is real"

You can’t make this stuff up. Theists please explain.

(Story from Atlanta Journal Constitution)


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Tin-Man's picture
Errr-uhhh.... Well..... ummm.
algebe's picture
Police said Warren told her
mykcob4's picture
She only proved that the pole
Sheldon's picture
I think she also proved what
mykcob4's picture
A side note. I never
Grinseed's picture
I believe in seat belts.
algebe's picture
@Grinseed: I believe in seat
Sky Pilot's picture
The dummy should have walked
pokefan0047's picture
By this we can know that,
RANJEET's picture
that's not surprising theists
Cognostic's picture
Put your life in the hands of
Alembé's picture
As she was heading towards
PetethePrimate's picture
More people have been hurt in
Dave Matson's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Greensnake Re: Oven
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I can imagine the kids would
mickron88's picture
poor kids...
god's God's picture
Before anyone quotes
arakish's picture
uhh... mmm... WTF? All I
mickron88's picture
imagine if the government is

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