Cosmic Death = Cosmic Life?

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Puzzled Primate's picture
Cosmic Death = Cosmic Life?

Salutations. I'm a newbie.

I enjoy postulating bizarre scenarios that may be scientifically plausible, however unlikely.

Is it possible that our Universe was formed from the death of some being, and we are part of its remains? If so, what is the probability?

I concede the following:

1. My hypothesis may be unfalsifiable. If so, how is it in that sense different from string theory and multiverse theory?

2. There might be no way to know what actual being died. It could have be an alien scientist, the FSM, a potted plant, etc.

3. There is no way of knowing who or what created the (now deceased) creator.

I want to make my hypothesis as rationally tenable as possible. I'll throw it out if that's the most rational option. My sincere intention is to learn and improve my thinking.

Thank you for your time.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Puzzled Primate = Is it

Puzzled Primate = Is it possible that our Universe was formed from the death of some being, and we are part of its remains? If so, what is the probability?

1 - ~A
of course :P

Nutmeg's picture
It's possible that our

It's possible that our universe was created after the death of another. It's called the Big Bounce, instead of the Big Bang. There have been suggestions that some trace of the previous universe might have been transferred into ours.

Could the previous universe have been a creature? You can't rule it out, actually.

Puzzled Primate's picture
I'll research the Big Bounce.

I'll research the Big Bounce. I'm certain it will lead to more puzzles for this primate.

Puzzled Primate's picture
Just remembered Neil Turok

Just remembered Neil Turok and Paul Steinhardt. I've been by the concept of crashing branes for awhile. The possibility is still there, since no gravitational waves have (yet) been detected.

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