Could I interview you?

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xenoview's picture
Bhawkins's picture
Just for fun- can you prove
chimp3's picture
BHawkins: Define the soul
Cognostic's picture
Yes. In every ancient
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog
Sheldon's picture
"Just for fun- can you prove
algebe's picture
Bhawkins's picture
Thank you for replying. I don
algebe's picture
@Bhawkins: I don't want to
Anonymous's picture
Just for your homework, ey?
CyberLN's picture
Bhawkins, you asked, “What
Bhawkins's picture
Thank you so much everyone. I
chimp3's picture
Poseur! This is a debate
Nyarlathotep's picture
Bhawkins - I feel like not
David Killens's picture
@ Bhawkins
Anonymous's picture
It's all for school. (Notice
Cognostic's picture
You are incorrect. Imagine
Tin-Man's picture
Re: Bhawk - "I will bow out
Tin-Man's picture
I think I know why Bhawk
Anonymous's picture
Naw; they'll be back to read,
David Killens's picture
No, she was being controlled.
Tin-Man's picture
Anonymous's picture
Killens, good observation,
Sheldon's picture
"I feel like not believing in
Cognostic's picture
What would you say your
Bhawkins's picture
I came back to the forum
David Killens's picture
My apologies Bhawkins, but
David Killens's picture
The_Quieter's picture
I could look up an old comic
Cognostic's picture
I'm selling cheese. Would


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