Could I interview you?

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Anonymous's picture
I've only been here for a
Bhawkins's picture
Why did you walk away?
Anonymous's picture
B, I really want to converse
Tin-Man's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ tm
Bhawkins's picture
It’s so bizarre that you come
Sheldon's picture
There is a world of
Tin-Man's picture
@Bhawk Re: The entire post
Anonymous's picture
B, you come across as
Tin-Man's picture
@MB Re: "btw, Tin-Man is
Anonymous's picture
Tin-Man: *smooch*...
Tin-Man's picture
@MB Re: Boy cooties
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Bhawkins
Sheldon's picture
"And lastly, what IF you are
Dave Matson's picture
David Killens's picture
My disdain for this Mrs
Bhawkins's picture
This right here is why I
David Killens's picture
I am very good at showing
Sapporo's picture
It is hypocrisy to complain
CyberLN's picture
Bhawkins, earlier you wrote,
Anonymous's picture
"A've always dependen' on the
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ DK
arakish's picture
Bhawkins: "Why did you walk
arakish's picture
Bhawkins: "It’s so bizarre


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