Creation as private property.

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UnKnown's picture
"Your statement, and your so
toto974's picture
NT + OT? It needs a new
Cognostic's picture
God can do whatever he wants
UnKnown's picture
"God can do whatever he wants
Cognostic's picture
It's SARCASM ----- I don't
arakish's picture
And I'll be first in line. I
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog and Arakish
arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man
Sky Pilot's picture
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Given we know how humans are
UnKnown's picture
What I am asking to argue
Sheldon's picture
"I want his debate to be
UnKnown's picture
With the parent and child
LostLocke's picture
I think the parent/child
UnKnown's picture
How is having the right to do
David Killens's picture
You are making an awful lot
xenoview's picture
LogicFTW's picture
@Unknown Original post:
Bad Santa's picture
It is always so hard for me
UnKnown's picture
"Is that his entertainment?"
Bad Santa's picture
@UnKnown you said:
UnKnown's picture
Long story short, God made
Nyarlathotep's picture
UnKnown - ...God made mankind
UnKnown's picture
As in God made mankind
arakish's picture
@ UnKnown
Tin-Man's picture
@Unknown Re: "So when he
Tin-Man's picture
*announcing to forum*.... Hey
turning_left's picture
"I want his debate to be
UnKnown's picture
How is having the right to do
NewSkeptic's picture
A really stupid exercise. Of


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